Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year!

Today went to get my medicine. So paiseh cause apparently the clinic assistant called me many times but I was too engrossed in my music and reading on the Internet. So next time, when I'm waiting for someone to call me, I cannot be listening to music and reading, I think I can only do either one.

2012 is coming to an end! Time to look back and be grateful.
1) I'm thankful that I'm able to continue studying.
2) I'm thankful I survived the first sem of year 4.
3) I'm thankful for my family and friends.
4) I'm thankful despite busy schedules friends still managed to keep in contact.
5) I'm thankful for the holiday trips I got and the upcoming Taiwan trip.
6) I'm thankful I was healthy and strong this year.
7) I'm thankful we survived 21/12/2012.
8) I'm thankful for everything I have today.

Should I still make resolutions for 2013? Let's make them.
1) Continue with my diet plan. 15kg.
2) Find a job that I love, hopefully pays well enough for me to survive. Also, to work hard in my new job.
3) Successfully graduate
4) Be a nicer & kinder person.
5) Be more social, make more friends yet don't forget and continue to keep in contact with all my old friends.
6) Spend more time with family and friends.
7) Travel and see the world.
8) Continue to progress with my Korean language.
9) Study hard for my last semester.
10) Eat healthily & drink more plain water.
11) Play hard as I age.
12) Find a bf if I can.
I'll update my last year resolution during CNY since I put it up last year during CNY.

So before I end, hope your 2012 has been great and have a greater 2013.


Food for thought

I'm sure it means emotionally and not literally time as in 24 hours a day.

These quotes are here today not only to display my unhappiness (I'm not unhappy because you don't have time for me, I'm unhappy because you don't even have the decency to inform me that you don't have time), but also to act as a reminder to myself.

I'm thankful to the people who have been able to make time for me because I know time is precious, and I'm grateful they find that I'm worth their time.

Haha I'm posting this on 31st cause I don't want to start the new year on an emo note. I'll do my year end post tonight.

Sunday 30 December 2012

All prepared for Taiwan

Woohoo! After many nights of staying up, I'm done with the itinerary. I suck as planning itinerary because I'm super inefficient as I'll end up reading blogs about people's trips, reading forums and running all over the internet.

I'm all prepared to brave the cold in taiwan. Although I'm quite sure I exaggerated the weather, when I was in HK a few years ago in December, I was walking around half the time in short sleeve.

See what I bought specially for this taiwan trip.
1) Winter coat - My birthday present from my cousin, I only paid for shipping.
2) Gloves from Daiso
3) Earmuffs from Daiso
3) Heattech leggings from Uniqlo
4) Heattech crew neck t-shirt from Uniqlo
5) Socks from Daiso
6) Fox jacket - Fox is having sale now till 6 Jan 2013. If you have fox member or uob card you get extra 10/20% discount if you buy 3/5 items. Too bad I don't have either and I was too lazy to wait for my father to go shop with me.

I got quite a few stuff from Daiso because it's cheap and I'm budget. I mean after I come back, what's the probability of needing gloves, fleece socks and ear muffs so no need expensive ones as long as they do the job. Daiso has quite a wide range of winter accessories which can easily cost more than $9.90 in other shops like uniqlo, cold wear or winning. Although I don't know their quality, they feel warm enough.

Haha, but my father told me "you think $2 can keep you warm ah?" Haha, I shall have faith and think yes. Plus, I'm just going to Taiwan. How cold can it be, right? And, the things I bought at daiso are more accessories than the main thing that'll keep me warm.

Haha, I think I'm kind of overly kiasu for this trip. I have no idea why.
Not forgetting, the shoes I bought in BKK. Actually wanted to buy boots, but when I was trying, omfg those short boots till mid-calf made my elephant legs look even fatter.

Actually clothes and accessories for winter should state explicitly what temperature is it for so dumbass like me will be less confuse over what to buy.

Hehe, now just to wait to one week from now and I'll be off on my plane to taiwan. Woohoo!

Friday 28 December 2012



Recently, on 14th December, I met Carissa.

During our meeting, we made 2 deals.

1) In Jan 2014, we will go skiing together!
2) By the time we reach 30 (or is it 35? Can't remember), if both of us are not married, we will buy a house and live together. She will have a pet cat while I will have a pet dog.

Even if they do not come through, it is still nice to have dreams like that. :)

Results day is tomorrow. Stress.
It's amazing how time flies (especially during the holidays). Soon, school is going to reopen and it's back to those stressful days. 
23/12 12.30am
So change of plans now.
Carissa and I decided that change our plans.
1) Due to money constraints, we have decided to go to BKK together. Not decided on date yet but should be around the same time. We can always go skiing again when we save enough money!
2)   Deal 2 the same. When we reach 30/35, if both of us are not married, we will buy a house and live together.

Like what I previously said, even if they dont't come true, it's still good to have dreams. Before I reach 30/35 I will work hard to find a husband. How? I don't know.

Met Karen today for Mala but that's another story for another day. Went to get uniqlo to get their heat tech leggings and bought another shirt. Seriously, wtf it's not leggings it's more like stockings. Okay maybe it's like those 80/100 denier leggings which too me are stockings. As long as the flesh is visible to me is stockings. Leggings are like cotton on kind. I wanted something that can be worn alone, seriously I wouldn't wear this alone, it's more like innerwear to me. So I have to slip on another leggings or jeans = mafan. Lol, or maybe it is supposed to be treated as innerwear. Or maybe my legs are just damn fat so it stretch until become sheer. FML. Maybe I should have listen to Karen and bought the knitted one. 不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。Okay but she not lao ren. Okay, but apparently it works well but damn expensive $24.90. Pui. Qoo10 has it, although not uniqlo brand for $15.90+++ for one set (top and bottom) and they sell furry leggings for 3.90+++. Too bad, their delivery take quite long cause it comes from overseas, maybe by the time the clothes reach I already freezed into ice.
~ Enough of ranting~ I realise I love to rant on my blog.   

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Taiwan Preparation

I've been eating alot during this festive season. Oh no! I'm suppose to lose weight not only because of my resolution but also because I'll eat like a pig in taiwan.

Sometimes when it get quiet and I'm alone, my brain start running wild and I realized I haven't been doing lots of worthwhile things during this holiday and seems to be wasting it. *_*

I've finally made some progress with the taiwan itinerary since I've started 1 week ago. Planned up to day 4 already, so there's still day 5, 6, 7. Day 6 going to pluck strawberries, day 7 flying back to Singapore. Muihong say she'll do day 5, so I guess we're almost done.

Let me make a checklist of what I'll need to do
- Finish up the ititnerary
- Change money
- Go get some more warmer clothes
- Pack luggage
- Get my asthma medicine from the doctor

I'm super confused and worried over what to wear. Like do I need inner layer? Will just a normal/slightly thicker jacket be enough? Taiwan's temperature doesn't really seems that low, but yet sometimes when you read blogs people will say it's cold and I'm not sure if it's my imagination but sometimes when I look at people's blogs I think they wear quite thick. Ahh, sometimes I think I'm just thinking too much. Don't think it's that cold in Taiwan, plus I have my ultra thick jacket I bought from qoo10 if it really gets cold. However, the temperature range is taiwan quite huge and can go from like 12 to 25 degrees within one week. I went to dig out my long sleeve clothes and I realised most of them are actually quite thin, don't think they can support through Taiwan's weather. -_-" There's too many different types of winter/cold wear for different temperature. It's hard to decide what type of wear suits what type of temperature. I definitely don't want to freeze my ass off in Taiwan.

Looking forward to my Taiwan trip. 6/1 -12 /1.
12/25 - 11.17pm


Two things to rant about.

1) Results. I shouldn't complain about my results because I should be thankful for them and grateful that my cap didn't drop. But remember previously I blogged about the huge mistake in my report, it's back to haunt me. I keep thinking if I didn't make my mistake will my report up one grade and will my grade of the module up one grade. It's an answer I wouldn't know. This kind of feeling is different from just purely not scoring well. Like I scored the worst for neuroscience of memory, but I don't feel that bad over it cause I can blame the content, blame the prof or even blame me for not studying hard enough but for that I can only blame myself and I'm blaming myself for a specific thing. It's a different feeling.

2) I'm looking at the Scoot sale. Damn jealous, it's damn cheap. It's possible to save more than 100 bucks per pax. If only I'm not graduating the next sememster, then I'll be having 3 months holiday and I can book the sale flights!

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas


Yesterday my laptop got attacked by virus again O.o Spent like 2-3 hours removing it. So I used to use IE and firefox but more of IE cause for some reason I don't like to switch to new things. However, I think I'll (slowly) switch to firefox as yesterday I read IE is more pro to viruses attack.

The arrival of christmas also indicates that the year is coming to an end and symbolises the arrival of year 2013!

Teng deng deng deng. It also means that results is coming out tomorrow. Mixture of feelings. Stress + wanting my closure.
It's amazing how time flies (especially during the holidays). Soon, school will reopen and it will back to those stressful days. Hopefully less stressful next sem? 
24/12 11:32pm

Monday 24 December 2012

Wreck It Ralph

Caught Wreck It Ralph when I met Samantha at Junction 8 today (22/12). First saw the trailer of the movie when I watched Rise of the Guardians previously.

Seriously, the quality of cartoon movies nowadays is damn good. First Rise of the Guardians, now Wreck It Ralph. Although at the beginning, I felt that it was kind of boring at the beginning but it started to get better as the story goes on. I guess I was expecting more humour at the start but I guess it's okay since, like most movies/dramas, they have to set the storyline first. Expect some humour, heartwarming scenes and unexpected twists in the movie. I think I prefer Rise of the Guardians because I feel that it has more humour and heartwarming scenes. Samantha said Wreck It Ralph is a movie she wouldn't mind watching a second time, so there must be something excellent about it!

The movie kind of reflect reality too. Who wants to be the bad guy in life? Everyone wants to be the good guy who is loved by everyone. However, reality says that not everyone can be the good guy. 
"I'm bad, and that's good.
 I will never be good, and that's not bad.
 There's no one I'd rather be then me."

Hehe, I think if one knows the games in the movie, it will be more close to heart. Sadly, I don't recognise most of the games in it. But I guess it's a good thing though, because it means I'm young!

I should seriously start taking out my Korean stuff to revise. My teacher is on holiday so no lessons for 2 weeks, and I haven't been touching my Korean stuff at all. 저는 진짜 안 부지런해요.
23/12 12:21am

Saturday 22 December 2012

ScootBiz vs Scoot Economy

If you managed to read this, it means we survived  21/12/2012!

Took scoot for the first time to BKK on 8 Dec.
Took Scootbiz for the trip to BKK because it's was on sale at $120 which was $3 more expensive than flybag. Sadly, on my 3rd airticket, no more sale tickets so one of the biz ticket was bought using the full amount. From there, I infer that their number of sale tickets for business seats are capped at 6.
Scooting off to BKK

ScootBiz Leg Space
In-flight entertainment(Ipad) is not provided for ScootBiz on short flights.
Meal Provided

Soya Chicken Rice
Their soya chicken rice is okay. Taking into account that it's plane food it's not bad already. Only thing is that the chicken and rice may be abit hard. Heard that the nasi briyani was nice too.
Biz Seat
Hurriedly took a photo of the seat in front of me before alighting the plane.

On 11 Dec, it's time to scoot back to Singapore.
On the flight back, the flight got delayed by 1/2 hour or so. Why can't airlines provides information of flight delays at an earlier time instead of annoucing at such a late timing since I'm sure they know that the flight will be delayed way before hand.  
Economy Leg Space
Wanted to order hot meals on the trip back, but they do not provide hot meals for short distance trips. So shared a cheesy mushroom sandwich. 8 dollars for the sandwich. No pictures, but nice! Generous amount of cheese, mayo and mushrooms. Ate it cold, not sure if you have the option of warming it.

Will I pay full price for ScootBiz? Nope. I guess the biggest benefit of ScootBiz is the increased leg space but I have short legs. They have priority boarding, which to me is useless unless there is flight delay. Cause for my flight from Sg to BKK everybody seems to board together, while only for the BKK to SIN flight, they separated the passengers. Ipad? I guess everyone have their own Ipod/Iphone/Ipad nowadays. Food you can order separately for $10++, $10 is for only the rice. Food only becomes an important issue if the flight time matches the time for the 3 meals but food is a good way to spend time on flights. Oh yeah, they provide blanket,pillow and eyemask for overnight flights. Okay but I'm a cheapo, my aim is to get to my destination at the cheapest price since when I'm on plane I'll just sit down, plug in my earphones and try to sleep till I reach my destination. So, as long as you don't squash me like sardine, I'm fine. Oh, and don't delay my flights. O.o

Scoot isn't exactly cheap either, only realized Thai airways was having sales which was cheaper but the timing was quite bad reaching BKK after 11. I paid 293.76 for sale ScootBiz + FlyBag (20kg) per pax, 279.76 for sale ScootBiz + Fly per pax and 345.76 for ScootBiz + FlyBag (20kg) per pax. Scoot has a convenience fee of $16 per pax if you pay by credit card. Only realized I can avoid it when I was booking the last airticket for BKK. Avoid the convenience fee by paying through SAM or post office! 
18/12 .50pm

Thursday 20 December 2012

小鬼 夜王 演唱会

Went for xiao gui's concert at Hard Rock Hotel with my cousin on 15th December. Sponsored by my aunt. Supposedly my cousin should go with her mom, but by luck it became me who went with her.
Met my cousin at Bedok mrt at about 3 and we reached there to queue at around 4 cause it's free seating. Seriously, didn't even have to queue, waste of time. Cause I don't think the place where we sit will have been very different.

Seriously, I felt so old there. The people in front and behind me are all younger than me. I was like surronded by mei meis. My cousin is 13, the people behind were discussing about poly and JC so they should be secondary school students or max JC/poly students. Fml, I'm a soon-to-be graduated (in half a sem) uni student.

Can fake as 13 year old?
In the middle of waiting, the security people came and started rambling about having to deposit our cameras at the lockers and there will be a bag search and the focus is "if you don't deposit and you get delayed at the bag check (I think they meant having to go deposit the cameras), you may not get good seats." BULLSHIT! Fml, I was even holding onto my camera when they were saying. I really didn't want to deposit my camera, like wtf. But my cousin become very anxious over the fact of not getting good seats, so in the end no choice, I gave in and decided to deposit my camera. So I went to look for the lockers at the basement and WTF we had to pay $3/hour for the lockers which equate to $12 for the locker. Seriously damn pissed. Even though they say no photography/video recording so I shouldn't bring my camera but still damn pissed. When we went in, what really pissed me off was even though they check the bags, even if they find camera (unless it's DSLR), they still let you bring it in although they will say not to take it out. Saw and heard it with my own eyes and ears. So seriously, what's the bullshit about not getting good seats and what's the bullshit about not being able to bring cameras in. It's like cheating honest people like me   my cousin. Waste money to get the locker. Plus people beside and behind me were holding onto cameras, make me so jealous. I also want my camera. Actually what's the big deal about photography and video recording during concerts?
~Enough of ramblings~

After we went into the concert area, I was surprised, I didn't expect the place to be that small and there's no air-con. I think the people with $88 tickets can easily go to the $108 tickets area because there's no one to check your ticket price, you just walk in on your own. But most of the tickets were $108 tickets, I think only the last few rows (think around 5) were for $88 tickets.
My cousin was damn excited. While we were queuing, she was already damn excited, I think before we reached the location she was already excited. Unlike her, I didn't have the super excited feel. I blame that on aging. 

Bough the light stick from xiao gui's fan club at $5 while queuing. Decided to get another one for Karen since she is a fan of xiao gui too. 
Shitty Iphone camera
After take this photo, totally find iphone camera damn lousy. Lol, or is it the photographer that is lousy.

Saw Zheng Ge Ping and his wife walking in. Some of his co-actors from Joys of Life came for his concert too! So sweet.

All in all, the concert was quite good even though I don't know like 70% of the songs. O.O I can't even remember the lyrics of 不屑. I blame this on aging too. Plus, I think it's because I'm more into slow songs and he sang more fast songs. I think he built the atmosphere relatively well and some of the things he said were really very funny. Plus, we can all see that he has put in alot of effort into his concert, from not being able to play guitar to 自弹自唱 and from not being able to dance to dancing. Not to mention, he and his dimples are so cute and handsome. 

Before the concert, I heard people discussing about who the special guest will be. Then someone said something like later the surprise is no special guest. And surprise surprise, there's really no special guest. Funny irony.

I felt that one really bad thing about the concert was the ending video. The end of the video put "香港站 The end". Seriously, what a way to end the concert. When that came out I can immediately feel the 'unhappiness' among the audience and I personally think that that is really something that should and could have been prevented cause it totally left the audience hanging there.

His fan club really put in alot of effort for his concert
On top of these, I think I learnt more about my cousin that day. For example, I didn't know her favourite colour was pink until I saw her pink sneakers and earpiece. I always had the tom-boyish impression of her so it really surprised me that her favourite colour was also pink. Haha, and I didn't realised in our family, there's another fan girl.
P.S my first scheduled post was supposed to come out today (16/12) but I didn't know you have to click published in order for it to be scheduled. Haha so I had to manually published the post for to the beautiful you.
17/12 12.57am

Tuesday 18 December 2012

TOPIK results

Received my TOPIK results on tuesday. I PASSED!

Was in BKK when the results came out, I thought they will email us the results but you have to check it yourself from the website. I didn't have my application number so I had to return to Singapore before I could check.

The results aren't very good, but not bad already! For someone whose basics of korean is damn lousy and only started rushing to study 2 days before TOPIK. I'm so glad I passed! I remember rushing to do past year papers 2 days before TOPIK. I wanted to do at least 2 papers but didn't managed to finish all 2 papers. Ended up I just went to scan through all the grammar points in my KU textbook -> damn useful! The amount of Korean words I swallowed in the 2 and a half days was more than what I swallowed previously added together.

Language is really not something you can study the last minute!

1.04am 15/12

Sunday 16 December 2012

To the Beautiful You

Finished watching To the Beautiful You by Minho from Shinee. I was anticipating to watch this show since long time ago but I had to wait until after exams.

Started watching on 6 Dec and finished on 9 Dec midnight, haha can see I spent my first night in BKK finishing the drama.

I've watched the Taiwan, Japanese and now the Korean version.

The Korean version follows more closely to the Japanese version if I don't remember wrongly. I don't really like the Korean version, but I still finished watching it. I think their acting isn't very good, okay not like I can act. Then I think some of their storyline is quite weird. For example, after Tae Joon knew she was a girl he fixed their toilet to prevent people from barging into the toilet, but somehow Eun Gyul found out she's a girl by barging in her toilet. 

I like the brother in this show. I think he's damn handsome. If I like a brother like this, I must be the happiest sister on earth. 

Among all the 3 versions, I think I prefer the Taiwan version. Okay, my memory of the Japanese version isn't very strong because I did rewatch the Taiwan version abit here and there previously. I feel that the Taiwan version is more hilarious, the korean version totally didn't have Julia and no mei tian lao shi. The Korean version seems to focus too much on trying to show the cool side of them. Is like somebody is on the verge of getting rape, and when he stop the bicycle to answer the phone still must stop with style. O.o Okay, maybe I'm just biased since I watched the Taiwan version first.  

Although this drama isn't exactly very nice, if you have time, still worth watching I guess. Although I was complaining to Muihong how stupid this drama is, I still finished the whole drama so I guess there must be something good about it. Haha, I have to admit it, there's still lots of cute scenes here and there. Apart from the main characters, there's still other characters worth watching out for, the 2 second main leads - Handsome and pretty- and Tae Joon's 'opponent' from school. 

15/12 00:55

Friday 14 December 2012

Rise of the Guardians

Sorry! I know I haven't been blogging once every two days. I guess I have been busy packing for BKK and after I came back busy unpacking and sleeping. So let's change the plan to "I will try to blog once every 2 days".

It has been a long time since I last watched movie, caught Rise of the Guardians today with Muihong.

I LIKE! This is a very good movie. Humour, warmth, cuteness, hope, touching, magic. This movie has everything, It can make you laugh and it can make you cry. All these with a magical touch to it. It's suitable for both the young and old. No matter which generations we come from, I'm sure we all share the same legends. At least some of them, I'm sure everyone knows at least Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny. I think I remember Sandman too. Can't blame me if I don't know Jack Frost cause there's no snow in Singapore. Haha, bimbo but Jack Frost is damn handsome.

Santa Claus - Wonders
Tooth Fairy - Memories
Easter Bunny - Hopes
Sandman - Dreams
Jack Frost - Fun

Not sure if I intepretated correctly from the movie. All these that fills a child's life and protect them from darkness, fear and nightmares. As we grow older, our lives seem to be take over by things like fear and greed, and as we get busy, we lose the important things in life. We're no longer pure and innocent.

Sometimes all we have to do is believe!

Kids should play less of things like Iphone, Ipod and computer games and indulge more in fairytales.

P.S Don't be in a rush to leave at the credits. 

Tuesday 11 December 2012


Shit scoot.

My plane back to Singapore got delayed.

I have taken budget airlines like jetstar and tiger, never experienced delay before. First flight with scoot and my plane got delayed.

Such a good experience.

Time to go home!

Waiting for my flight at Bangkok airport to scoot off back home. Super sleepy now. I'm so sad I didn't buy alot of things, my luggage is only 12.9 kg and I bought 20kg luggage. Waste my 2 bucks. Lol.

When I was in Korea, someone thought I'm from china.
When I'm in hongkong, people thought I'm from hongkong.

Although I really don't like being mistaken to be from china, it's acceptable because we're all Chinese.

However, when I'm in bkk people actually mistook me for Thai!

Plane plane when are you gonna come? I want to sleep already.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Holiday plans

Damn I told myself I was not going to wake up until after 12, but I automatically woke up before it was 10. I don't even wake up so early usually.

Yesterday was the last day of exams.
So I was mentioning, the paper gave me a shock.
When I was looking at the coverpage, the first sentence I saw was "This examination paper contains 1 question and comprises of 2 printed pages." This is the first time in my 3 and a half years in NUS, I saw a final paper with only 1 question. So it's like a do or die question. 

Usually I'm always alone when I take papers or my friends and I won't talk about the papers, at least no in detail. So I'll run away fast after the papers, but this sem, my friends/classmates will talk about the paper, and sometimes in detail about the questions and it makes me feel very insecure. Don't like that feeling.

My list of things to do this holiday!
1) Bangkok - Excited. I have been looking forward to the shopping in BKK. Although I have not plan anything yet.
2) Sleep & sleep & sleep
3) Meet up with everyone - I really didn't meet alot of people due the busy year 4 life. I'll have to meet them all and catch up this holiday. Gotta catch em all.
4) Pack my room - My room always starts out at the sem being neat, but at the end of the sem it becomes a pig sty. No idea why.
5) Wild wild wet - Made plans with my cousin to WWW. Tentatively on the 31st.취소 (23/12)
6) Noraebang
7) Lose weight - Haha the new year is coming! I gotta complete my resolution.
8) Sleepover at grandma's house  Tentatively after WWW 취소 (23/12)
9) Blog - I will try to do at least 1 post every 2 days except when I'm not in Singapore
10) Taiwan
Many other things to do~

How do I balance getting lots of sleep and rest and yet at the same thing, do alot of things? 

Going out to change money later.

~Last day of exams~

I realised everytime I looked forward to the end of exams but when the day comes, I don't feel super excited. It's weird.

Wanted to get coffee before my paper, and the vending machine at MPSH cheated my $1. Rah!

My paper gave me a shock today before I even started on it.

Damn I was all excited to do a blogpost and my laptop got attack by a virus.
Vista antivirus 2013, name yourself an antivirus, but ended up you're the virus. Damn asshole.

Here's the youtube video on how to remove the virus. The registration code didn't work for me. There's alot of other videos and websites out there teaching you how to remove this virus.

Spent the last one hour or so trying to remove the stupid virus, scanning my laptop now. Too late for me to blog now, I'll continue tomorrow. 

Saturday 1 December 2012


I seriously think I'm dumb!

I was seriously thinking what she was asking for psy assessments was psychological tests. Didn't occur to me that interview was also psy assessment in the context of personnel texting and gave a very general view of questionnaires type assessments instead of a type by type assessments way.

I seriously hope she thinks mine is okay. Imagine my shock when I heard people talking about it. Damn sian.

Why can't they hurry return us our results instead of putting me in a situation where I keep worrying about the tests. Damn sian.

One more paper! And it's neuroscience of memory. Fml. My mid term result was quite bad. I haven't started studying for it. Fmlx2

Tuesday 27 November 2012


还是学不会再聪明一点。反而很像是越来越笨了。 记性是越来越来差了。

Cannot recall is one thing, I realized I can't even recognize now. When I went to look back at the notes the part look unfamiliar like I've never seen it before. Omfg.

Saturday 24 November 2012

What's wrong with me? :(

I hate it when people ignore my existence! Like wtf, I'm human also why does everyone treat me like a piece of transparency?! Is it that hard to see me, that hard to reply me!

Got back my pl4201 report today, the mistake I made was really :'(" (crying face + sweats). Seriously wtf and fml. I should be chopped and cook in curry. Rah, hate myself when I make this kind of mistake. Hate myself more when it cost me so much. Argh!

Sunday 18 November 2012

School rant

The irony of staying awake to write a paper on the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Sapore Italiano

I just had an expensive lunch in school with Karen at Sapore Italiano.

How can we eat up to $43.95 + $4 in school. :O

We did this by having

We did this by having
1) Mocktail
2) Pasta
3) Cake
4) Ice Cream

How's the food there?
Meh~ I think their carbonara taste was not as nice as the previous time I ate there. It doesn't have the cheesy/milky taste of carbonara, I'm not saying they should drown it in cheese or milk, I'm saying it's kind of bland.
The Mocktail was okay, nothing exceptionally but very expensive to me. It's $6 + 17%. I think mine taste abit like medicine.
The cheesecake doesn't taste like cheesecake and it's very dry. Their cake is very grainy, if that's how you describe. It's not smooth. The nice thing about their cakes is the nice presentation.
Ice cream tastes like ice cream. Yum!

Lol, and the worse thing is... after eating all these I was actually not full. I'm still not full now. Bottomless Pit!

I love meeting people for lunch. Bring life to my sad and boring life.

Today was the last lesson for psychometrics and the professor said something like "I don't think I will see you all next semester, so all the best for your future ..." Reality strikes, the end of my undergraduate life is really coming!

Haha back to writing my term paper :( 

Friday 2 November 2012


Trying so hard to convince myself a bigger room is better than a higher room.
Sometimes I really have itchy hands.

I seriously think I need to have more real posts, instead of just short random rants, like this one. 

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Counting down

Met Karen for lunch today! Happy! Got to meet Karen and got to eat yummy chicken wings!

Less than 3 more weeks till school ends for finals. I still have 2 more presentations and 2 more term papers.

I always have mixed feelings when school is ending. Of course I fear the finals, haha but that's another problem. However, my mixed feelings come from whether I'm happy that the sem is ending. I'm happy because when the sem ends, I can have a break from all the stress and school work. This sem has really been a packed and stressful semester. I'm always a little sad and 不舍得,because I will miss my professors. Plus this is my second last sem of school, the feeling of sadness and 不舍得 become stronger. Furthermore, who wants to go to work? I don't!

Should I backtrack things I did months ago during the winter semester break?

What am I going to do during my last university holiday?
1) Bangkok
2) Taiwan
3) Plans with my cousin
4) Meet everybody!

Sunday 28 October 2012


Haha I just finished my TOPIK!

The amount of Korean words I read in the past 2 and a half days I think it's more than what I read in my whole life. Wtf. My cousin damn funny. She said I ling shi bao jang (korean's teacher surname) jiao. Lol, wtf.

Yeah, I might fail this test. Cause as long as you fail one section you fail the whole test. While I was doing 2nd paper I realized some mistakes from my essay.

The results will come out on 11th Dec, 3pm. Sian such a long wait!

Now to go home and sleep!

Friday 26 October 2012


TOPIK is on Sunday.

I think I just threw 80 bucks into the drain.
I barely studied, I was so busy with essays and mid-terms and presentations. Lol excuses.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Suay day

Today is a suay day!

Feel like an idiot!

I really got no time to update this space of mine, or maybe I do but I got lazy with all the other stuff I have to do. Promise to update like crazy during the holidays!

Wednesday 3 October 2012

School rant

Why will there always be the one or two or sometimes few question/s that make/s you want to kill yourself because 1)you learnt it but can't remembered, 2) you're deciding between 2 answers and chose the wrong one, 3) changing the right answer to the wrong one or 4) thought of changing but didn't change the wrong answer to the right one.


Sunday 30 September 2012


Recently I've been requesting and receiving hugs from my little primary 2 cousin. Because, I realized if I don't do it now, when he gets older he'll no longer want to give out free hugs.

If you have something you want to do, do it while you're young! Do it now! Like dying hair. If you want to dye your hair pink, blue, blonde or rainbow. Do it now, because once you start work, your company might just tell you such colours are a no no. Haha but useless me don't dare to dye such loud colours.

Kids grow up fast. So do we. Whatever you want to do with your siblings/cousins do them now, because once they/we grow up, we may no longer be able to do them, because as we mature, we change, we get too shy, or we just simply have no time. So while we still can, do it and keep all the nice and wonderful memories! :D

Thursday 27 September 2012

Happy Birthday

On my way to Bugis to meet Karen now.

I guess I didn't really started my birthday on the right note. My teacher started by giving the bomb of 4000 words essay. Was having diarrhea last night at 12 plus. Had a hard time falling asleep. Woke up having difficulty breathing, I realized my asthma like to come on my birthday, last year also.

This morning in a rush, I forgot to bring my comb!!! And I haven't comb my hair yet!

Haha but after all these, my 22nd year on earth will be 顺顺利利!

Actually when you reach my Earth, other than having the excuse to feast on nice food, it just seems to be a reminder that I'm a year older. Older and wiser?

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Monday 24 September 2012

Introducing Singapore

Marked and corrected
싱가포르는 작고 젊은 나라입니다. 그렇지만 싱가포르는대적인 도시입니다. 그래서 싱가포르는 너무 안전하지만 사람이 많습니다. 우 나라 나무와 많아서 싱가포르는 너무 예쁩니다. 우 나라 음식은 너무 맛있어서 싱가포르 음식이 너무 유명합니다. 하지만 싱가포르는 집과 차가 너무 비싸서 우리 삶은 정말 바쁘고 너무 스트레스가 많습니다.
싱가포르는 계절이 항상 여름입니다. 그래서 싱가포르는 날씨가 아주 덥고 습합니다. 하지만 싱가포르는 자연 재해가 없습니다.
그래서 싱가포르는 살기에는 너무 좋은 곳입니다
*Yawn* It's 2am, I'm doing my slides. Seriously, I think I'm damn slow at doing things like slides and essays. Continue tomorrow!

Recess week is here! Need to study for midterms though.

Friday 21 September 2012

School bits

Omg, guess what?


My professor thought today was recess week and she didn't come for lecture. At first we were thinking it's because of traffic jam so she's late. But ended up like maybe 6.30 or so, somebody managed to email and call her, and fol, she thought today is recess week.

And what's worse?! We have to go back next week for make-up lesson. :'(

Wednesday 19 September 2012

School bits

Next week is recess week. You should do something study. Take a trip, take a trip to the public library. You have a nice library down town.

My prof is so funny. Not being sarcastic here. I think he's a nice prof.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Full of questions

I feel so tired today. Totally cannot focus.

Feel so emo+cheated now. Today I saw that Thai airways was having sales to bangkok! But the timing quite bad though. Reach Bkk at 11.10pm and flight back at 8am is at 253.10 sgd. For a better return timing at 7.25pm, the price is at 277.10 sgd. Both cheaper than Scoot! Plus scoot timing is not super good either cause reach at 7.05pm.

Luckily the flight to Bkk timing sucks, if not I'll be super emo. This got me thinking (I'm always thinking stupid things), if you reach a country very late say 1 or 2am, how do you check in to the hotel. And if you want to check in on 10th at 1am are you suppose to book the hotel for 9th or 10th? Or should one just sleep at the airport?

Okay end of random ranting. Sian, tml is the start of another week. Week 6!

Thursday 13 September 2012

Random rant

I'm too addicted to researching about bangkok.

Yesterday I had a 6 hours break and I was suppose to do my readings and study my Korean but I ended up spending most of my time researching on Bangkok until my fully charged phone went flat. I was like 6/8 researching 1/8 listening to music 1/8 trying to read my readings till about 4? Then I felt my eyes was too tired and wanting to close then I actually went to sleep. Seriously! I should be spank.

I think my brain lack some inhibition thing to prevent me from getting distracted. Or I lack control over attention.

So what did I learnt?
1) we have to be very careful with our belongings. I already read of 2 people who almost got rob, 1 got bang by a kid and 1 got her bag slit.
2) the taxi drivers and tuk tuk drivers are out to scam you. It seems like sometimes it's actually hard to find one who will be willing to on the meter.
3) many cheap food!
4) clothes sound cheap but seems to be getting more expensive.
5) haha they like to charge tourist more expensive. Think this the same for many countries.

Yay, can't wait for the sem to be over! Super looking forward but yeah I should stop researching.

Monday 10 September 2012

How cold is cold?

Recently, I think I'm over enthusiastic about my overseas trip in Dec/Jan. I have been researching non stop about baiyoke sky hotel yesterday, cause the reviews are quite conflicting. Some say it's bad and some say it's good. I really don't want to pay so much for a lousy hotel. I hope the hotel don't look so different from their website pictures. I think their outside looks quite rundown actually, hopefully the inside will be good. Think I overspent on this Thailand trip, I can elaborate more on this maybe after the trip.

Then I have been looking at qoo10 and recently saw some winter clothes. I need to buy some winter clothes for Taiwan trip but the thing is I'm not sure how thick the clothes need to be and how cold the weather will be. I'm also not sure how thick I'll need to wear in what kind of temperature since I've never really experienced cold cold weather. The most I got was I think previously in Hong Kong in dec, but the weather was fine until my last day the temperature dropped to I think 12. However, since it was the last day, I didn't have to bear with the cold cause I only felt it when I was went/standing out of the hotel, waiting/ going up the 'airport bus?' to get to the airport. Worse come to worse, I think if it's too cold I can actually just get more clothes when I'm there.

I really think too early and too much.

Finally after 4 weeks of school, I got more of a life. Went to sing k at Kbox scape with Karen. Damn weird, cause Karen made a booking and they said they don't have a booking. Cause I reached first I still thought I went to the wrong place and maybe is at cineleisure so I called Karen but nope I was at the correct place. Quite cheap, $10 nett for 3 hours cause there was a members' promotion.

Back to school tomorrow. One word, sian. Always dread school days.

Friday 7 September 2012


I just downloaded blogger app, now I can blog on the go! Maybe this will make me less lazy when it comes to blogging. I can use safari to blog actually, but the blogger is signed in using my old blogger email so I can view eunice's blog. Maybe I should ask her to send an invite to this email then when i'm at home I don't have to use IE(yes I still use IE!) for my old blogger email and firefox for the new blogger email.

So this week in school, I did 2 first times that deserves to be commemorated.

On Tuesday, there was a presentation for intro to counseling module. I was really nervous, but I'm nervous for all presentations. I brought lychee beer into the class to drink, cause we were the last group presenting. First time drinking beer in class, first time drinking lychee beer. Quite nice, the beer bitter taste won't be so strong and the lychee smell is very nice! It's 3.5% alcohol and 9% fruit juice. Ask my papa to get it for me from NTUC on Sunday. I don't really think it helped though, cause my voice I think was still trembling. A little worried about that because we were given 40 mins to present but ended in like 30 mins. Whenever I have presentations, I'm always worried that my lack of presentation skills will make me a burden of the group and all my group members will hate me. :( I really really really don't want to pull them down and I don't want them to hate me. :'(

Wednesday, Eunice came down to school to have lunch together!!! My 6 hours break was spent so much better! Went to Engine and had their YTF. I had it with their laksa gravy, disappointing! It was very bland. No fight for ARTS YTF. I miss the YTF at The Deck! It's not opened now but I heard it'll be open soon but don't think I will get to always eat it since my lessons are all in utown and I hardly go to fass now. Went to central library to check the price of textbooks, crazy expensive. Most ex one was a freaking $90.50. Went for bubbletea at Eskimo and chill. I had peppermint milk tea, not really nice, should have stick with the normal one. Thanks Eunice for coming down and the muffin.

Haha, so that was not the other first time. My other first time was, I actually went to the prof after my neuroscience of memory lesson and explained my view to him. We were going to and fro for like 10 mins cause when I left was 9.07. Seriously I think I had the courage to do that was because I'm pms-ing. I hardly open my mouth in tutorials, like the whole of my last 3 years I think I only voluntarily talked maybe once? Twice? during tutorials. I have never ever spoke to a professor on my own before, I think the only time I did speak to prof as a group was for my lab module. So this is a super rare occasion. Haha, he should be honored.

Yeah why am I typing out this post at this time when I should be having my psychological assessment lesson? My teacher release us one hour early! That's because she was sick. So many people are sick now and the haze is back! Take care!

Monday 3 September 2012


When it's tuesdays, I'll look forward to thursdays and on Fridays, I'll look forward to the weekends. I just spend my time counting down to the days I don't have to go to school.

 Tomorrow Today is the start of week 4, time flies! Week 4, 5 and 6 then it'll be recess week!

If I go and count the number of readings I need to do by now and I have not done, I think I might go crazy.

If I add that to the readings that I need to do in the future, wooooo! Maybe you'll need to prepare the $500/night ward in imh for me!

Seriously, how do people keep up with their readings. Need to be more determined, less distracted, more hardworking and less sleepy.

Seriously lagging behind in the readings and I'm such a slow reader because I'm such a proscratinator. I can just sit in front of the article and take 5 hours to read 5 pages.

I seriously need to find time and slowly list out all the readings I need to do.

I have not even bought/photocopied the textbooks for my modules! Need to find time to do that too.

Presentation on tuesday. Nervous. I even got my father to buy me beer so maybe I can drink before the presentation to loosen the nerves.

Xiuwen! 아자 아자 황이팅!

Tuesday 28 August 2012


I'm booking my airtickets to bangkok from Scoot and I feel damn cheated.

Last week go NATAS fair feel cheated, book airtickets from scoot feel cheated. :(

Saturday 25 August 2012

2nd week of school

Second week of school has ended and my modules are out and confirmed. Almost died while waiting for the appeal results, can't believe it took so long. I got rejected the next day when I appealed last sem. 'W' grade starts on 27 August 00:00 so I guess no more changing of modules!

Some tips for CORS appeal (not that I got all the modules I wanted).
1) When appealing, don't settle for less modules. I think they are more likely to give the modules to people who still don't have enough modules yet. (Not sure about this though.)
2) In the list of modules you appeal for, do not put in modules that you don't like as back up. If you put those modules in, most likely they will just ask you to settle for those even though your top choices are still the more popular modules.

If you do not get any of the modules in the list that you provided, they will provide you with a list of modules that still have vacancies and you can choose from that list. So don't worry about not having enough modules and just take the modules that you don't like because I really think that will decrease the chances of your appeal being approve.

So my confirmed modules.
~ Introduction to Counselling Psychology.
~ Psychological Assessment
~ Neuroscience of Memory
~ Psychometrics & Psychological Testing

The last two modules are really yucks! I have to be satisfied though, it's suppose to be 3 yucks modules. So glad I got psychological assessment through appeal.

I've been neglecting my blog since school reopened but my readings are already stacking to the roof! Plus look at my timetable, I seriously study as if I'm in a night school. All 3 days of school, I end school at 9pm, and by the time I reach home it's usually around 10 plus going 11 and I don't even have the mood to do anything else except sleep.

I really need to stop feeling embarrassed and bad about my CAP. Everytime people ask me about my CAP i feel so diu lian seriously (Yes! It happened today yesterday.). Sometimes I really can't help feeling that I don't belong there. Doesn't help that I entered year 4 without friends in my classes. Year 4 is really so different, everybody is so smart and I'm really at the bottom. Most of them are so vocal and they think very deeply and say very insightful observations, unlike me who is so superficial.

Thursday 16 August 2012


Okay today is my 3rd day of school and I'm waiting for my lecture at 4.

The past 2 day + today has been really tiring because I have lessons till 9, so by the time I reach home it's already 10 plus. Yesterday was the worst, I had a morning lesson 9-12 then I had a 6 hours break and another stupid mod from 6-9. Hate the module!

I really hate my school life this semester. I hate 2 of the modules that I got, I don't love 3 of the modules. I hate my timetable. I hate the assessment. Like fuck, they want to squeeze my brain juice till i have no more brain juice left. Every module has a term paper (2000 words x 4), 1 is a group project, and group presentations. In level 3000 it's either one or another and the term paper in level 3000 usually don't reach 2000 words. Woohoo! I'm a dead pig.

I have 1 blog post hanging there which I didn't have time to complete about honours and I wanted to do a blogpost on True Singaporeans on National Day but I got too lazy. Now I have no time! Blehx.

Off for cognition (pui) lecture now. Can't wait to get my rest!

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Ocean Park

I'm damn worried now! The GST voucher was supposed to bank into my bank account but they sent me a cheque. I'm so worried they closed down my bank account or something. Going down to the bank, hopes everything is fine if not i'll just die, seriously. (Went down to the bank today (7/8), it was because I had to activate my account cause I have not use it for a long time.)

Went to Ocean Park on 6 May. Lol more than 3 months from then.

Had Dim Sum breakfast with my Uncle (we have dim sum breakfast everyday!!!) and we cabbed to Ocean Park.

We reached super early, before Ocean Park even open. Ocean Park opens at 9.30am and closes at 8pm.
One thing, we're not allowed to bring food into Ocean Park!!! They even check your bags before you can enter. Lol and I was holding to one bag of leftovers from the dim sum breakfast. 

Cute too!
First thing we did was to chiong for the cable car ride to the summit. Didn't have to queue for a long time, or should I say no queue at all! Unlike the previous time I went, I remember there was a long queue.

The Rapids!
Must take! This ride is for everyone!!! Cause it's exciting yet not scary. So people like me who don't dare to take scary rides can ride this yet people who dare to take scary rides won't find this boring. Damn fun!

Played bumper cars,raging river (my first time take water slides), ocean tower, ferris wheel and skystar balloon ride. My brother and his gf (now wife) took the dragon and my brother dropped his phone on the ride. The nice people working there actually helped to keep his phone until he went back to look for it, deserve to be applauded!!!
View from tower/ferris wheel, can't remember.
I went to watch the Ocean Dreams too. Think we caught the earliest show. Go to the earliest show! It wasn't this crowded, I think only about 3/4 full? The show somehow seems quite boring as compared to the previous time I saw it, but the storyline shows the same though, with this grandfather and little girl I think.
Cute and big jellyfish.
Sleeping panda.

Active panda.
There were two pandas here, seriously they're so different. One panda was just sleeping away while this other panda was so cute. It kept walking up and down, and seems like he's posing for people to take photos of him. Clever!
SkyStar Ballon Ride.
Queued super long for this ride. Not worth it! It just goes up and down, equivalent to riding the ocean tower. Feel so bad because I'm the one who wanted to sit this ride and ended up waiting so long and the ride being not exciting.

Jia Jia

The commenter? for this 2 monkeys was super good! She kept explaining to my father and me about this 2 monkeys, how they are both good friends and they always help each other to pick fleas. Really another person who deserve to be applauded!
An An
Went back to the hotel at around 5pm.

Went for dinner at this supposedly popular and has a long history wanton mee shop.
Wanton mee that tastes bad!
The wanton mee was super disappointing. Doesn't even taste good at all. Not even mediocre tasting. Really taste like crap, even any wanton mee stall from any hawker centre will taste better than this.


Monday 6 August 2012

Xian De Lai

Went for steamboat with Karen at Xian De La couple of weeks ago.

Bak Kut Teh + Mala soup base
The Bak Kut Teh soup base didn't really have the Bak Kut Teh taste. The mala soup base though it doesn't have the reddish reddish authentic mala look, it was still spicy, although maybe not as spicy as that of Ting Yuan.
The ingredients here are not self-service, you have to order through them using a form where you tick off the ingredients you want. I don't really like this method because you can't go get the food as and when you like and it's like they'll know every single food you ordered. Plus if you want to order quite a few times, it's quite paiseh to keep asking them for the form? Cause they only gave us the form twice, including the time when first ordered, on their own accord.  Oh yeah, and now I got reminded, they didn't give us our honey chicken.

Something very bad happened while we were there. I burnt their pot. I ate too much hand-made noodles. Cause I think they stick very easily to bottom? so will burnt the pot very easily. Plus I think hand-made noodles made the soup thicker and easier to get burnt also? I felt very bad about it, cause they will have a super hard time cleaning the pot. I seriously thought for a moment they will just lash out at us. Brrrr! I'm seriously very bad with steamboat, the previous time at tingyuan also ate until burnt. I shall restrict my hand-made noodles next time or at least cook less at one time.
If only my eyes were this big!
The thought of school starting next week really makes me nervous and sad.