Wednesday 26 December 2012


Two things to rant about.

1) Results. I shouldn't complain about my results because I should be thankful for them and grateful that my cap didn't drop. But remember previously I blogged about the huge mistake in my report, it's back to haunt me. I keep thinking if I didn't make my mistake will my report up one grade and will my grade of the module up one grade. It's an answer I wouldn't know. This kind of feeling is different from just purely not scoring well. Like I scored the worst for neuroscience of memory, but I don't feel that bad over it cause I can blame the content, blame the prof or even blame me for not studying hard enough but for that I can only blame myself and I'm blaming myself for a specific thing. It's a different feeling.

2) I'm looking at the Scoot sale. Damn jealous, it's damn cheap. It's possible to save more than 100 bucks per pax. If only I'm not graduating the next sememster, then I'll be having 3 months holiday and I can book the sale flights!

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