Wednesday 26 December 2012

Taiwan Preparation

I've been eating alot during this festive season. Oh no! I'm suppose to lose weight not only because of my resolution but also because I'll eat like a pig in taiwan.

Sometimes when it get quiet and I'm alone, my brain start running wild and I realized I haven't been doing lots of worthwhile things during this holiday and seems to be wasting it. *_*

I've finally made some progress with the taiwan itinerary since I've started 1 week ago. Planned up to day 4 already, so there's still day 5, 6, 7. Day 6 going to pluck strawberries, day 7 flying back to Singapore. Muihong say she'll do day 5, so I guess we're almost done.

Let me make a checklist of what I'll need to do
- Finish up the ititnerary
- Change money
- Go get some more warmer clothes
- Pack luggage
- Get my asthma medicine from the doctor

I'm super confused and worried over what to wear. Like do I need inner layer? Will just a normal/slightly thicker jacket be enough? Taiwan's temperature doesn't really seems that low, but yet sometimes when you read blogs people will say it's cold and I'm not sure if it's my imagination but sometimes when I look at people's blogs I think they wear quite thick. Ahh, sometimes I think I'm just thinking too much. Don't think it's that cold in Taiwan, plus I have my ultra thick jacket I bought from qoo10 if it really gets cold. However, the temperature range is taiwan quite huge and can go from like 12 to 25 degrees within one week. I went to dig out my long sleeve clothes and I realised most of them are actually quite thin, don't think they can support through Taiwan's weather. -_-" There's too many different types of winter/cold wear for different temperature. It's hard to decide what type of wear suits what type of temperature. I definitely don't want to freeze my ass off in Taiwan.

Looking forward to my Taiwan trip. 6/1 -12 /1.
12/25 - 11.17pm

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