Friday 14 December 2012

Rise of the Guardians

Sorry! I know I haven't been blogging once every two days. I guess I have been busy packing for BKK and after I came back busy unpacking and sleeping. So let's change the plan to "I will try to blog once every 2 days".

It has been a long time since I last watched movie, caught Rise of the Guardians today with Muihong.

I LIKE! This is a very good movie. Humour, warmth, cuteness, hope, touching, magic. This movie has everything, It can make you laugh and it can make you cry. All these with a magical touch to it. It's suitable for both the young and old. No matter which generations we come from, I'm sure we all share the same legends. At least some of them, I'm sure everyone knows at least Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny. I think I remember Sandman too. Can't blame me if I don't know Jack Frost cause there's no snow in Singapore. Haha, bimbo but Jack Frost is damn handsome.

Santa Claus - Wonders
Tooth Fairy - Memories
Easter Bunny - Hopes
Sandman - Dreams
Jack Frost - Fun

Not sure if I intepretated correctly from the movie. All these that fills a child's life and protect them from darkness, fear and nightmares. As we grow older, our lives seem to be take over by things like fear and greed, and as we get busy, we lose the important things in life. We're no longer pure and innocent.

Sometimes all we have to do is believe!

Kids should play less of things like Iphone, Ipod and computer games and indulge more in fairytales.

P.S Don't be in a rush to leave at the credits. 

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