Monday 10 September 2012

How cold is cold?

Recently, I think I'm over enthusiastic about my overseas trip in Dec/Jan. I have been researching non stop about baiyoke sky hotel yesterday, cause the reviews are quite conflicting. Some say it's bad and some say it's good. I really don't want to pay so much for a lousy hotel. I hope the hotel don't look so different from their website pictures. I think their outside looks quite rundown actually, hopefully the inside will be good. Think I overspent on this Thailand trip, I can elaborate more on this maybe after the trip.

Then I have been looking at qoo10 and recently saw some winter clothes. I need to buy some winter clothes for Taiwan trip but the thing is I'm not sure how thick the clothes need to be and how cold the weather will be. I'm also not sure how thick I'll need to wear in what kind of temperature since I've never really experienced cold cold weather. The most I got was I think previously in Hong Kong in dec, but the weather was fine until my last day the temperature dropped to I think 12. However, since it was the last day, I didn't have to bear with the cold cause I only felt it when I was went/standing out of the hotel, waiting/ going up the 'airport bus?' to get to the airport. Worse come to worse, I think if it's too cold I can actually just get more clothes when I'm there.

I really think too early and too much.

Finally after 4 weeks of school, I got more of a life. Went to sing k at Kbox scape with Karen. Damn weird, cause Karen made a booking and they said they don't have a booking. Cause I reached first I still thought I went to the wrong place and maybe is at cineleisure so I called Karen but nope I was at the correct place. Quite cheap, $10 nett for 3 hours cause there was a members' promotion.

Back to school tomorrow. One word, sian. Always dread school days.

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