Friday 7 September 2012


I just downloaded blogger app, now I can blog on the go! Maybe this will make me less lazy when it comes to blogging. I can use safari to blog actually, but the blogger is signed in using my old blogger email so I can view eunice's blog. Maybe I should ask her to send an invite to this email then when i'm at home I don't have to use IE(yes I still use IE!) for my old blogger email and firefox for the new blogger email.

So this week in school, I did 2 first times that deserves to be commemorated.

On Tuesday, there was a presentation for intro to counseling module. I was really nervous, but I'm nervous for all presentations. I brought lychee beer into the class to drink, cause we were the last group presenting. First time drinking beer in class, first time drinking lychee beer. Quite nice, the beer bitter taste won't be so strong and the lychee smell is very nice! It's 3.5% alcohol and 9% fruit juice. Ask my papa to get it for me from NTUC on Sunday. I don't really think it helped though, cause my voice I think was still trembling. A little worried about that because we were given 40 mins to present but ended in like 30 mins. Whenever I have presentations, I'm always worried that my lack of presentation skills will make me a burden of the group and all my group members will hate me. :( I really really really don't want to pull them down and I don't want them to hate me. :'(

Wednesday, Eunice came down to school to have lunch together!!! My 6 hours break was spent so much better! Went to Engine and had their YTF. I had it with their laksa gravy, disappointing! It was very bland. No fight for ARTS YTF. I miss the YTF at The Deck! It's not opened now but I heard it'll be open soon but don't think I will get to always eat it since my lessons are all in utown and I hardly go to fass now. Went to central library to check the price of textbooks, crazy expensive. Most ex one was a freaking $90.50. Went for bubbletea at Eskimo and chill. I had peppermint milk tea, not really nice, should have stick with the normal one. Thanks Eunice for coming down and the muffin.

Haha, so that was not the other first time. My other first time was, I actually went to the prof after my neuroscience of memory lesson and explained my view to him. We were going to and fro for like 10 mins cause when I left was 9.07. Seriously I think I had the courage to do that was because I'm pms-ing. I hardly open my mouth in tutorials, like the whole of my last 3 years I think I only voluntarily talked maybe once? Twice? during tutorials. I have never ever spoke to a professor on my own before, I think the only time I did speak to prof as a group was for my lab module. So this is a super rare occasion. Haha, he should be honored.

Yeah why am I typing out this post at this time when I should be having my psychological assessment lesson? My teacher release us one hour early! That's because she was sick. So many people are sick now and the haze is back! Take care!

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