Monday 24 December 2012

Wreck It Ralph

Caught Wreck It Ralph when I met Samantha at Junction 8 today (22/12). First saw the trailer of the movie when I watched Rise of the Guardians previously.

Seriously, the quality of cartoon movies nowadays is damn good. First Rise of the Guardians, now Wreck It Ralph. Although at the beginning, I felt that it was kind of boring at the beginning but it started to get better as the story goes on. I guess I was expecting more humour at the start but I guess it's okay since, like most movies/dramas, they have to set the storyline first. Expect some humour, heartwarming scenes and unexpected twists in the movie. I think I prefer Rise of the Guardians because I feel that it has more humour and heartwarming scenes. Samantha said Wreck It Ralph is a movie she wouldn't mind watching a second time, so there must be something excellent about it!

The movie kind of reflect reality too. Who wants to be the bad guy in life? Everyone wants to be the good guy who is loved by everyone. However, reality says that not everyone can be the good guy. 
"I'm bad, and that's good.
 I will never be good, and that's not bad.
 There's no one I'd rather be then me."

Hehe, I think if one knows the games in the movie, it will be more close to heart. Sadly, I don't recognise most of the games in it. But I guess it's a good thing though, because it means I'm young!

I should seriously start taking out my Korean stuff to revise. My teacher is on holiday so no lessons for 2 weeks, and I haven't been touching my Korean stuff at all. 저는 진짜 안 부지런해요.
23/12 12:21am

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