Thursday 16 August 2012


Okay today is my 3rd day of school and I'm waiting for my lecture at 4.

The past 2 day + today has been really tiring because I have lessons till 9, so by the time I reach home it's already 10 plus. Yesterday was the worst, I had a morning lesson 9-12 then I had a 6 hours break and another stupid mod from 6-9. Hate the module!

I really hate my school life this semester. I hate 2 of the modules that I got, I don't love 3 of the modules. I hate my timetable. I hate the assessment. Like fuck, they want to squeeze my brain juice till i have no more brain juice left. Every module has a term paper (2000 words x 4), 1 is a group project, and group presentations. In level 3000 it's either one or another and the term paper in level 3000 usually don't reach 2000 words. Woohoo! I'm a dead pig.

I have 1 blog post hanging there which I didn't have time to complete about honours and I wanted to do a blogpost on True Singaporeans on National Day but I got too lazy. Now I have no time! Blehx.

Off for cognition (pui) lecture now. Can't wait to get my rest!

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