Sunday 16 September 2012

Full of questions

I feel so tired today. Totally cannot focus.

Feel so emo+cheated now. Today I saw that Thai airways was having sales to bangkok! But the timing quite bad though. Reach Bkk at 11.10pm and flight back at 8am is at 253.10 sgd. For a better return timing at 7.25pm, the price is at 277.10 sgd. Both cheaper than Scoot! Plus scoot timing is not super good either cause reach at 7.05pm.

Luckily the flight to Bkk timing sucks, if not I'll be super emo. This got me thinking (I'm always thinking stupid things), if you reach a country very late say 1 or 2am, how do you check in to the hotel. And if you want to check in on 10th at 1am are you suppose to book the hotel for 9th or 10th? Or should one just sleep at the airport?

Okay end of random ranting. Sian, tml is the start of another week. Week 6!

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