Wednesday 5 December 2012

~Last day of exams~

I realised everytime I looked forward to the end of exams but when the day comes, I don't feel super excited. It's weird.

Wanted to get coffee before my paper, and the vending machine at MPSH cheated my $1. Rah!

My paper gave me a shock today before I even started on it.

Damn I was all excited to do a blogpost and my laptop got attack by a virus.
Vista antivirus 2013, name yourself an antivirus, but ended up you're the virus. Damn asshole.

Here's the youtube video on how to remove the virus. The registration code didn't work for me. There's alot of other videos and websites out there teaching you how to remove this virus.

Spent the last one hour or so trying to remove the stupid virus, scanning my laptop now. Too late for me to blog now, I'll continue tomorrow. 

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