Sunday 30 September 2012


Recently I've been requesting and receiving hugs from my little primary 2 cousin. Because, I realized if I don't do it now, when he gets older he'll no longer want to give out free hugs.

If you have something you want to do, do it while you're young! Do it now! Like dying hair. If you want to dye your hair pink, blue, blonde or rainbow. Do it now, because once you start work, your company might just tell you such colours are a no no. Haha but useless me don't dare to dye such loud colours.

Kids grow up fast. So do we. Whatever you want to do with your siblings/cousins do them now, because once they/we grow up, we may no longer be able to do them, because as we mature, we change, we get too shy, or we just simply have no time. So while we still can, do it and keep all the nice and wonderful memories! :D

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