Thursday 13 September 2012

Random rant

I'm too addicted to researching about bangkok.

Yesterday I had a 6 hours break and I was suppose to do my readings and study my Korean but I ended up spending most of my time researching on Bangkok until my fully charged phone went flat. I was like 6/8 researching 1/8 listening to music 1/8 trying to read my readings till about 4? Then I felt my eyes was too tired and wanting to close then I actually went to sleep. Seriously! I should be spank.

I think my brain lack some inhibition thing to prevent me from getting distracted. Or I lack control over attention.

So what did I learnt?
1) we have to be very careful with our belongings. I already read of 2 people who almost got rob, 1 got bang by a kid and 1 got her bag slit.
2) the taxi drivers and tuk tuk drivers are out to scam you. It seems like sometimes it's actually hard to find one who will be willing to on the meter.
3) many cheap food!
4) clothes sound cheap but seems to be getting more expensive.
5) haha they like to charge tourist more expensive. Think this the same for many countries.

Yay, can't wait for the sem to be over! Super looking forward but yeah I should stop researching.

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