Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year!

Today went to get my medicine. So paiseh cause apparently the clinic assistant called me many times but I was too engrossed in my music and reading on the Internet. So next time, when I'm waiting for someone to call me, I cannot be listening to music and reading, I think I can only do either one.

2012 is coming to an end! Time to look back and be grateful.
1) I'm thankful that I'm able to continue studying.
2) I'm thankful I survived the first sem of year 4.
3) I'm thankful for my family and friends.
4) I'm thankful despite busy schedules friends still managed to keep in contact.
5) I'm thankful for the holiday trips I got and the upcoming Taiwan trip.
6) I'm thankful I was healthy and strong this year.
7) I'm thankful we survived 21/12/2012.
8) I'm thankful for everything I have today.

Should I still make resolutions for 2013? Let's make them.
1) Continue with my diet plan. 15kg.
2) Find a job that I love, hopefully pays well enough for me to survive. Also, to work hard in my new job.
3) Successfully graduate
4) Be a nicer & kinder person.
5) Be more social, make more friends yet don't forget and continue to keep in contact with all my old friends.
6) Spend more time with family and friends.
7) Travel and see the world.
8) Continue to progress with my Korean language.
9) Study hard for my last semester.
10) Eat healthily & drink more plain water.
11) Play hard as I age.
12) Find a bf if I can.
I'll update my last year resolution during CNY since I put it up last year during CNY.

So before I end, hope your 2012 has been great and have a greater 2013.


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