Saturday 25 August 2012

2nd week of school

Second week of school has ended and my modules are out and confirmed. Almost died while waiting for the appeal results, can't believe it took so long. I got rejected the next day when I appealed last sem. 'W' grade starts on 27 August 00:00 so I guess no more changing of modules!

Some tips for CORS appeal (not that I got all the modules I wanted).
1) When appealing, don't settle for less modules. I think they are more likely to give the modules to people who still don't have enough modules yet. (Not sure about this though.)
2) In the list of modules you appeal for, do not put in modules that you don't like as back up. If you put those modules in, most likely they will just ask you to settle for those even though your top choices are still the more popular modules.

If you do not get any of the modules in the list that you provided, they will provide you with a list of modules that still have vacancies and you can choose from that list. So don't worry about not having enough modules and just take the modules that you don't like because I really think that will decrease the chances of your appeal being approve.

So my confirmed modules.
~ Introduction to Counselling Psychology.
~ Psychological Assessment
~ Neuroscience of Memory
~ Psychometrics & Psychological Testing

The last two modules are really yucks! I have to be satisfied though, it's suppose to be 3 yucks modules. So glad I got psychological assessment through appeal.

I've been neglecting my blog since school reopened but my readings are already stacking to the roof! Plus look at my timetable, I seriously study as if I'm in a night school. All 3 days of school, I end school at 9pm, and by the time I reach home it's usually around 10 plus going 11 and I don't even have the mood to do anything else except sleep.

I really need to stop feeling embarrassed and bad about my CAP. Everytime people ask me about my CAP i feel so diu lian seriously (Yes! It happened today yesterday.). Sometimes I really can't help feeling that I don't belong there. Doesn't help that I entered year 4 without friends in my classes. Year 4 is really so different, everybody is so smart and I'm really at the bottom. Most of them are so vocal and they think very deeply and say very insightful observations, unlike me who is so superficial.

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