Wednesday 5 December 2012

Holiday plans

Damn I told myself I was not going to wake up until after 12, but I automatically woke up before it was 10. I don't even wake up so early usually.

Yesterday was the last day of exams.
So I was mentioning, the paper gave me a shock.
When I was looking at the coverpage, the first sentence I saw was "This examination paper contains 1 question and comprises of 2 printed pages." This is the first time in my 3 and a half years in NUS, I saw a final paper with only 1 question. So it's like a do or die question. 

Usually I'm always alone when I take papers or my friends and I won't talk about the papers, at least no in detail. So I'll run away fast after the papers, but this sem, my friends/classmates will talk about the paper, and sometimes in detail about the questions and it makes me feel very insecure. Don't like that feeling.

My list of things to do this holiday!
1) Bangkok - Excited. I have been looking forward to the shopping in BKK. Although I have not plan anything yet.
2) Sleep & sleep & sleep
3) Meet up with everyone - I really didn't meet alot of people due the busy year 4 life. I'll have to meet them all and catch up this holiday. Gotta catch em all.
4) Pack my room - My room always starts out at the sem being neat, but at the end of the sem it becomes a pig sty. No idea why.
5) Wild wild wet - Made plans with my cousin to WWW. Tentatively on the 31st.취소 (23/12)
6) Noraebang
7) Lose weight - Haha the new year is coming! I gotta complete my resolution.
8) Sleepover at grandma's house  Tentatively after WWW 취소 (23/12)
9) Blog - I will try to do at least 1 post every 2 days except when I'm not in Singapore
10) Taiwan
Many other things to do~

How do I balance getting lots of sleep and rest and yet at the same thing, do alot of things? 

Going out to change money later.

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