Tuesday 31 July 2012


Allocated Modules

Module Code: PL4208
Module Title: Introduction to Counselling Psychology
Bid ID: B00004150611
Your Bid: 989
Winning Bid: 989

Modules Not Successfully Allocated

Module Code: PL4880F
Module Title: Addictive Behaviours
Reason: Outbidded
Bid ID: B00004150674
Your Bid: 443
Winning Bid: 573

Module Code: PL4219
Module Title: Advanced Abnormal Psychology
Reason: Outbidded
Bid ID: B00004125558
Your Bid: 153
Winning Bid: 666

Module Code: PL4218
Module Title: Psychological Assessment
Reason: Outbidded
Bid ID: B00004150697
Your Bid: 178
Winning Bid: 227

Module Code: PL4207
Module Title: Social Psychology: Theories and Methods
Reason: Outbidded
Bid ID: B00004150644
Your Bid: 563
Winning Bid: 600

Fuck I went to look the modules offered for 1b I seriously want to faint. Cause all that is left is cognitive
cognitive cognitive neuro neuro neuro fuck I think I'm going to die next sem.

The mods left are PL4201 Psychometrics and Psychological Testing (9), PL4203 Cognition (22), PL4206 Cognitive Neuroscience (27), PL4213 Cognitive Neuropsychology (2), PL4221 Early Language Development (2), PL4222 Neuroscience of Memory (28)

I have underestimated the power of close bidding. Fuck!

FUCK and muihong just reminded me. I PAID FOR THIS SHIT.

I feel like shit. I overwhelm with so much different feelings. I'm angry, angry at myself for making the wrong decisions when bidding (I'm thinking now I should have mixed popular and non-popular modules), angry at the school for coming out with shit system, angry at the school because they know they demand yet they don't give the supply. I'm sad because I only got one module module during bidding, sad I didn't get the modules I like, sad that I have to settle for modules I have 0 interest or do not like. I'm worried because I don't know how I'm going to cope next sememster with no friends and all this shit mods that I don't like. 我很无奈because I don't know what I can do. There's no more vacancies for round 1b and future rounds and I don't think appeal will work because likelihood they will just say no more vacancies for that module and ask you to settle for what there is. I know that 99.9999999% I'll be stuck with shit modules and I cannot change that and now with what I have left, I feel like I don't have a choice. :'(

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