Wednesday 1 August 2012


Just came back from another research session. This is a different research.

My kid doesn't talk to me at all! I think throughout I didn't even hear his voice but at least when I wave bye to him he waved back to me. Kids are so adorable still! Now I understand how when I was young I used to torture the people around me because I don't talk. I was really very shy when I was young, still shy now but alot better.

Actually I'm thinking, the school not giving me the modules is not their fault, it's my fault for not giving them enough points. It's just like when you're going from Primary to Secondary, they look at your results and determine which school you go to. The same when you go from Secondary to JC/Poly and then to University. Is it the same? So it's actually my fault, not their's. I just don't know why I'm so angry and sad and disappointed this time, I guess because I just really don't want to take not interesting modules, like how do I survive when 3 out of 4 mods are not what I want. That's life right? Sometimes you just have to go through what there is and there's no choices for you.

Rahh, sometimes my father really piss me off. For the second time, he told me “你收住那些分数做什么。” Seriously, he make it sounds as if this is my last semester, I still got next sem to worry about. Seriously, I don't even know if there's enough points for next sem now even though I have more leftover now after being deprive. I don't understand, he don't even know how this things works and he's just ranting like I purposely keep those points to bring to my coffin. He already asked me yesterday already and why must he ask me again today.  8:35

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