Monday, 16 July 2012

Health Diary

Blogger seriously has some big problems. I was trying to upload the photos and it is upright when I view the photo from my computer but some how when I upload it onto blogger the photo became on the wrong side.

Googled and found the solution to my problem from here.
Upload the photo onto blogger -> Go to pisca web album (I didn't even know this thing existed automatically) -> Edit in creative kit -> if the photos appear upright, just crop the photo and save it again. TADAA PROBLEM SOLVED!

Received this from Samantha last Christmas. I only saw the back of the scheduler and always thought this was a notebook. Until some time ago, I decided to open the bag and realised it's a scheduler! I already have one though, and it will be such a waste not to use this and I can't use it anymore in 2013. Plus it's so cute! It also seems quite weird to me if I suddenly change my scheduler half way through.

So, I've decided to use this as a health diary. I wanted to start doing it today(16/7) but my da yi ma is here, so I've decided to postpone it till my da yi ma ends. So EAT ALL THE FOOD before that!

I'll record things like
1) What did I eat?
2) What exercise I did?
3) How much water did I drink?
4) Did I shit?
5) My weight ocassionally.

Hopefully, this will help in my weight loss process. I seriously want to lose weight and I seriously envy skinny people. Whether it helps anot, I don't think so because I have been recording my spendings for quite some time in order to control my spendings. Then I realised, usually I just record down my spending but I don't even do anything about them. I don't even both to tabulate how much I spend in total every month. I just record for the sake of recording which is bad! Maybe I should start tabulating how much I spend every month/ week and start to better control my spendings.

Let's try though! 화이팅!!!

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