Friday, 29 June 2012


So disappointing. The prof supposedly said that she will let us work 3-5 days at least in the month of july but the july rooster just came out and working only 2 days per week. In june we only worked like 1 day a week cause she said that MCYS cannot pull out the files fast enough for us, I feel so sian even though the pay for this job is relatively high, because I feel like I could have gotten a full time temp job and earn more money because I seriously need money. I have so many things I need and want to buy and even if I don't buy anything, just spending on food is already alot of money!

Today was a ma-la day out with Karen, more about that in the next post! Time to sleep. Finally today seems like a windy day, hopefully it stays like that and I won't wake up sweating.

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