Tuesday 18 June 2013

Weird Encounter

I was at Orchard with Carissa on friday for the Korean food at Concorde hotel food court (more about that another time) and we had a weird encounter.

We wanted to cross the road from the Orchard Central area to Centrepoint where there is this 2 traffic lights which were within close proximity. We were at one of the traffic lights and Carissa pulled me to the other traffic light, and I asked her why and she said there's this weird guy there.

So after we successfully crossed the road, we were walking toward centrepoint.

Suddenly, Carissa started pulling me and started walking very quickly.
Me: Why you suddenly walk so fast?
Carissa: The guy is following/staring at us.
Me: Huh? Really? *Turns and look*

and fol, I saw him running towards us, pulling his trolley.

Me & Carissa: *screams* and started running
Okay my memory was quite vague about this because I'm not sure if
1) Carissa started running and I turned round and saw him running and I started to run
2) I turned round and saw him running and we started to run

Our fight-or-flight response really kicked in at the moment and we decided to take flight instead of fight. When I told my father what happened, he said we should have waited for him there and scold him. O.o

We were like literally running for our lives, through this 'tunnel' which was damn freaking crowded and I was constantly blocked by people while I was running even though Carissa was in front, it's make me wonders why the people never move to let me run through. After that, it seemed like it was highly likely they were thinking we were playing and they must be wondering to themselves, "why this two stupid girls are playing in this already very squeezy place." We finally escaped into centrepoint and we crossed underground back to orchard central.

We were damn paranoid after that, constantly on the lookout for suspicious character.

Haha, but thinking back about the whole event, it was actually quite funny. Although it was really freaky at that moment.

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