Tuesday 25 June 2013

Introvert or Shy extrovert?

Carissa was talking to me about being anti-social. Not the lack of conscience kind of anti-social but the unwilling/unable to associate with people in the normal/friendly way.

Then I was telling her how our anti-social result from different factors. Mine is a result of shyness and her's is a result of unwillingness. So I'm unable to and she's unwilling to.

I'm quite into this now as I did a personality test the friday before last and I'm quite confused if I'm an introvert or extrovert?

Then I went on to google about introvert and shyness. They are actually not the same thing! Introvert vs extrovert is the difference in where these people get their energy from. Introverts get their energy from being alone while extroverts get their energy from being around people. On the other hand, shyness is more related to anxiety, nervousness or fear of negative judgement during social interaction. However, because introverts and shy people behave in the same way, they are often linked together. Introverts can be shy but not all introverts are actually shy. Extroverts can be shy too, so there's actually such thing as a shy extrovert.

For one, I think I'm confirm shy, because I always say "I don't dare to ... ", so I guess it's more related to anxiety and fear. However, I'm not sure if I'm an introvert or an extrovert. I don't like to do things alone, like I don't like to eat alone when I'm outside. Then again, that's more of social phobic. Another example. I enjoy going out with my friends but then again I like to go out with small group of friends rather than large groups. On the other hand, I don't really like to attend parties but then again, it may be because I am shy rather than introvert.

This is so complicated. So, do you think I'm an (shy) introvert or a shy extrovert?

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