Saturday 15 June 2013

EPIC + Bali Thai

Met Karen on Monday (3/6) at NEX. 
Pink hair!

Caught EPIC. Made use of student price which is only $6.50. The benefits of being a student, which is all coming to an end soon. All the movies I've caught in the cinema in the past few months are all cartoons. I really have to say the standard of these cartoon movies is really high. They're not only suitable for kids but also suitable for adults too!

EPIC tells a story about a girl who went to live with her father, who was obsessed with looking for small people. One day, by coincidence or should I say fate, she became one of these small people and has to help save the forest. EPIC is really humorous. I was constantly laughing throughout the movie. However, I admit my 笑点 is very low, so I may be a good judge.

I wont really say the whole movie has a definite moral that children can learn from at the end but I will say it's a good movie if you need a good laugh. 

After the movie we went to Bali Thai for dinner. Wanted to make reservation before we went for the movie but the place was closed in the afternoon so Karen called them from outside the shop to make reservation. Unique experience.

A reservation is not really required as the place was quite empty at 7. It was very nice of them to give us a comfy sofa seat. 

Karen & her tom yum goong ($14++) & Calamansi ($3.80 ++)
Pad thai ($9.80 ++)
I think their pad thai is not bad. Sweet and the good thing is, their bead sprouts doesn't have the raw taste. I hate bean sprouts that have the raw taste.

The food there is relatively affordable for a restaurant, especially if you only order one main dish like us. They have other offers too, our Calamansi drink was 1-for-1. Karen thought the drink was too sweet and I thought it was kind of sour at the beginning, it was fine after the ice melted.

Ending with a photo of Karen and I. The lucky girl is enjoying herself in Europe now!!!

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