Wednesday 19 June 2013


It's 5.33am now and I'm blogging, not because I woke up but because I didn't sleep. 

I'm at a camp now. Yes! It has been a long time since my last camp. It's the last day today and we were having briefing till 2 plus, and by the time I bathed, it was already3 and I still couldn't sleep. Needed to write short messages for the campers. By the time I finished it was around 5am and it seem quite ridiculous to sleep since I'll need to wake up around 7-7.30 cause I'll still need to pack my bags and all and have to meet for breakfast at 8.30am. This is torturing.

Now I'm just sitting around in the canteen, snacking + drinking coffee + blogging. 

Please, next time if I ever say I want to go camp, stop me. I'm sure it doesn't come from the bottom of my heart.

It's not that the camp is damn bad or anything. It's just that I'm a person not suitable for camping. It's against my personality to camp, that's why I'll just feel weird and awkward throughout the camp. This is especially so when I'm grouped with all the unknown people who already know one another. Plus, i'm totally overage here, people in my group all have not crossed the 20 line mark except the male mc. Seriously testing my limitations. 

The motto of the camp was patience, love, unity and service. Some of these kids really do possess these qualities. I've also met some really cute kids here. There's this k2 kid that is so freaking. Then there's some really friendly and cute children here too. One of the kid even helped me to shift my bag from the canteen to the classroom where we were sleeping. She could have rejected me but she didn't. There's these few boys who will just bullshit with you. Some boys will even help take water for you. Damn sweet one. Haha, but towards the end of the camp, when everybody is tired, you'll see their grumpiness come out. However, usually their sweet side stays and it feels even sweeter. 

Guess how we bath? I was expecting at least shower head? No. It was just a pail where you had to fill up your own pail and that's your bath water. Kampong style. Which means that you had to perform self control on your water also. Thankfully the weather was quite hot and even though we were bathing after midnight, we didn't freeze from the water. Can't remember the last occasion I actually had to bath with a pail. 

Sad to say, I didn't really bond well with the other volunteers in my group - generation gap + absence on counsellor only day + social phobic. This explain part of my awkwardness. As much as I may have interacted with the children, i don't think I had as much time to form strong bonds with them. As a result, I think I was super awkward during the ending of the campfire while everybody were being emo. 

Now, I'm just damn happy I'm going to home soon! I'm so lazy to change later, maybe I'll just wear my pajamas home later. Should be ke yi jian ren. 

It's 6.17am now. Still have quite some time to stone away. 

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