Tuesday 25 June 2013

Introvert or Shy extrovert?

Carissa was talking to me about being anti-social. Not the lack of conscience kind of anti-social but the unwilling/unable to associate with people in the normal/friendly way.

Then I was telling her how our anti-social result from different factors. Mine is a result of shyness and her's is a result of unwillingness. So I'm unable to and she's unwilling to.

I'm quite into this now as I did a personality test the friday before last and I'm quite confused if I'm an introvert or extrovert?

Then I went on to google about introvert and shyness. They are actually not the same thing! Introvert vs extrovert is the difference in where these people get their energy from. Introverts get their energy from being alone while extroverts get their energy from being around people. On the other hand, shyness is more related to anxiety, nervousness or fear of negative judgement during social interaction. However, because introverts and shy people behave in the same way, they are often linked together. Introverts can be shy but not all introverts are actually shy. Extroverts can be shy too, so there's actually such thing as a shy extrovert.

For one, I think I'm confirm shy, because I always say "I don't dare to ... ", so I guess it's more related to anxiety and fear. However, I'm not sure if I'm an introvert or an extrovert. I don't like to do things alone, like I don't like to eat alone when I'm outside. Then again, that's more of social phobic. Another example. I enjoy going out with my friends but then again I like to go out with small group of friends rather than large groups. On the other hand, I don't really like to attend parties but then again, it may be because I am shy rather than introvert.

This is so complicated. So, do you think I'm an (shy) introvert or a shy extrovert?

Saturday 22 June 2013

Happiness is here!

I was looking at photos and I was looking at the video I took of the fireworks at disneysea and I got reminded of this song. I super love this song! Now I kind of regret not buying their 30th anniversary cd.

I should start updating about my trip before I forget everything, but damn lazy.

Friday 21 June 2013

Kim Dae Mun

Was looking for some Korean place for dinner for KU family meetup and Gillian appa suggested Kim Dae Mun at Concorde Hotel food court. I didn't even know the existent of a food court in Concorde hotel.

There was already a queue there, though not super long when we were there but it just gets longer. The queue move quite fast though as the person is super efficient in taking orders. 
Spicy prawn soup ($6.50?)
They have 3 different sides for you to choose, kimchi, anchovy and I forgot what's the other one. Their spicy prawn soup is quite flavourful and there's squid and prawns in it. Very filling as they even provided rice even though the soup came with glass noodles. I think it's only slightly spicy and so did most of those who tried but Huiting said it's quite spicy. So it's up to the individual's taste. 
KU family
Fried glass noodles ($5)

Visited Kim Dae Mun again because Carissa had serious cravings for spicy rice cakes (That's the day we met the weird guy I talked about previously.). I think spicy rice cakes are not easy to find in Singapore, just like jia jjang myeong. 

The fried glass noodle was the direct opposite of the spicy prawn soup, it was totally not filling. It doesn't really have a taste, just spiciness but no other taste. Hence, the overall taste of the dish was quite disappointing. 

However, I tried Carissa's spicy rice cake ($5) Ding ding ding! It is the most authentic/more similar in terms of taste with Korea's. The spicy rice cake I've tasted in Singapore usually taste sweeter and less spicy. I was really surprised when I tasted this.

The korean food here is one of the most affordable ones in Singapore and taste good too. Next time I want to try their kimchi fried rice!

Wednesday 19 June 2013


For commemoration sake, our PSI hit a record breaking of 321 today. The haze is really bad today. I came back from camp, ate lunch and slept. When I woke up at 6 plus 7, I looked out of the window and oh my, it's really very hazy. 

Stay indoors and drink lots of water! Hopefully, the haze situation clears soon.


It's 5.33am now and I'm blogging, not because I woke up but because I didn't sleep. 

I'm at a camp now. Yes! It has been a long time since my last camp. It's the last day today and we were having briefing till 2 plus, and by the time I bathed, it was already3 and I still couldn't sleep. Needed to write short messages for the campers. By the time I finished it was around 5am and it seem quite ridiculous to sleep since I'll need to wake up around 7-7.30 cause I'll still need to pack my bags and all and have to meet for breakfast at 8.30am. This is torturing.

Now I'm just sitting around in the canteen, snacking + drinking coffee + blogging. 

Please, next time if I ever say I want to go camp, stop me. I'm sure it doesn't come from the bottom of my heart.

It's not that the camp is damn bad or anything. It's just that I'm a person not suitable for camping. It's against my personality to camp, that's why I'll just feel weird and awkward throughout the camp. This is especially so when I'm grouped with all the unknown people who already know one another. Plus, i'm totally overage here, people in my group all have not crossed the 20 line mark except the male mc. Seriously testing my limitations. 

The motto of the camp was patience, love, unity and service. Some of these kids really do possess these qualities. I've also met some really cute kids here. There's this k2 kid that is so freaking. Then there's some really friendly and cute children here too. One of the kid even helped me to shift my bag from the canteen to the classroom where we were sleeping. She could have rejected me but she didn't. There's these few boys who will just bullshit with you. Some boys will even help take water for you. Damn sweet one. Haha, but towards the end of the camp, when everybody is tired, you'll see their grumpiness come out. However, usually their sweet side stays and it feels even sweeter. 

Guess how we bath? I was expecting at least shower head? No. It was just a pail where you had to fill up your own pail and that's your bath water. Kampong style. Which means that you had to perform self control on your water also. Thankfully the weather was quite hot and even though we were bathing after midnight, we didn't freeze from the water. Can't remember the last occasion I actually had to bath with a pail. 

Sad to say, I didn't really bond well with the other volunteers in my group - generation gap + absence on counsellor only day + social phobic. This explain part of my awkwardness. As much as I may have interacted with the children, i don't think I had as much time to form strong bonds with them. As a result, I think I was super awkward during the ending of the campfire while everybody were being emo. 

Now, I'm just damn happy I'm going to home soon! I'm so lazy to change later, maybe I'll just wear my pajamas home later. Should be ke yi jian ren. 

It's 6.17am now. Still have quite some time to stone away. 

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Weird Encounter

I was at Orchard with Carissa on friday for the Korean food at Concorde hotel food court (more about that another time) and we had a weird encounter.

We wanted to cross the road from the Orchard Central area to Centrepoint where there is this 2 traffic lights which were within close proximity. We were at one of the traffic lights and Carissa pulled me to the other traffic light, and I asked her why and she said there's this weird guy there.

So after we successfully crossed the road, we were walking toward centrepoint.

Suddenly, Carissa started pulling me and started walking very quickly.
Me: Why you suddenly walk so fast?
Carissa: The guy is following/staring at us.
Me: Huh? Really? *Turns and look*

and fol, I saw him running towards us, pulling his trolley.

Me & Carissa: *screams* and started running
Okay my memory was quite vague about this because I'm not sure if
1) Carissa started running and I turned round and saw him running and I started to run
2) I turned round and saw him running and we started to run

Our fight-or-flight response really kicked in at the moment and we decided to take flight instead of fight. When I told my father what happened, he said we should have waited for him there and scold him. O.o

We were like literally running for our lives, through this 'tunnel' which was damn freaking crowded and I was constantly blocked by people while I was running even though Carissa was in front, it's make me wonders why the people never move to let me run through. After that, it seemed like it was highly likely they were thinking we were playing and they must be wondering to themselves, "why this two stupid girls are playing in this already very squeezy place." We finally escaped into centrepoint and we crossed underground back to orchard central.

We were damn paranoid after that, constantly on the lookout for suspicious character.

Haha, but thinking back about the whole event, it was actually quite funny. Although it was really freaky at that moment.

Saturday 15 June 2013

EPIC + Bali Thai

Met Karen on Monday (3/6) at NEX. 
Pink hair!

Caught EPIC. Made use of student price which is only $6.50. The benefits of being a student, which is all coming to an end soon. All the movies I've caught in the cinema in the past few months are all cartoons. I really have to say the standard of these cartoon movies is really high. They're not only suitable for kids but also suitable for adults too!

EPIC tells a story about a girl who went to live with her father, who was obsessed with looking for small people. One day, by coincidence or should I say fate, she became one of these small people and has to help save the forest. EPIC is really humorous. I was constantly laughing throughout the movie. However, I admit my 笑点 is very low, so I may be a good judge.

I wont really say the whole movie has a definite moral that children can learn from at the end but I will say it's a good movie if you need a good laugh. 

After the movie we went to Bali Thai for dinner. Wanted to make reservation before we went for the movie but the place was closed in the afternoon so Karen called them from outside the shop to make reservation. Unique experience.

A reservation is not really required as the place was quite empty at 7. It was very nice of them to give us a comfy sofa seat. 

Karen & her tom yum goong ($14++) & Calamansi ($3.80 ++)
Pad thai ($9.80 ++)
I think their pad thai is not bad. Sweet and the good thing is, their bead sprouts doesn't have the raw taste. I hate bean sprouts that have the raw taste.

The food there is relatively affordable for a restaurant, especially if you only order one main dish like us. They have other offers too, our Calamansi drink was 1-for-1. Karen thought the drink was too sweet and I thought it was kind of sour at the beginning, it was fine after the ice melted.

Ending with a photo of Karen and I. The lucky girl is enjoying herself in Europe now!!!

Saturday 8 June 2013

East Dragon Hotel

Last day in Taiwan.

We had to go grab all the food at ximending before we leave all the nice and yummy food and return to Singapore (which has lots of nice and yummy food too).

So we dabaoed
- Ah Zhong Mian Xian
- Bubbletea
- Chong You Bing 

Before we went to catch the bus to the airport at 12pm.

So this Taiwan trip we stayed at East Dragon Hotel at XMD.

Don't mind the messy room. I only remembered to take photos of the room before leaving.

East Dragon Hotel is conveniently located at XMD. Just having ah zhong mian xian within walking distance is a big plus plus.

The room is quite big, but this is subjective because I just came back from Japan, so all hotels look big to me as long as you can actually lie the luggage down. The room is also kept quite clean. However, there was one incident we faced with housekeeping which was when Muihong lost one piece of her two piece swimming costume which was left hanging to dry in the toilet. Till today, this remains a mystery and we're still not sure where did it go to. I was telling Muihong maybe it dropped into the toilet bowl.

The hotel also provides daily breakfast. However, their breakfast is the same everyday. 2 eggs and 1 ham. 1 orange juice and 1 tea/coffee. Plus a basket of bread. Haha, maybe the only difference is you can ask them to cook the egg differently for you. This is better than nothing though since their room rates is really considered relatively cheap. 

The service there was okay, nothing to rave about but nothing to complain about also. The only weird thing is that we have to pass them back the key everytime we leave the hotel and collect the key when we return. The hotel also provides luggage storage if you arrive before check in or still want to go play after check out. If I'm not wrong, this luggage storage is also applicable for people who are travelling out of Taipei and wants to leave the luggage there overnight. However, I'm not sure about this.

I wouldn't mind going back to this hotel the next time I return to Taiwan.

Finally, my last post for my Taiwan trip. Took me about half a year :O. 
For the rest of my taiwan post, click here.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Results Day

Today is results day. My last undergraduate results.

Although I didn't set my alarm to wake up early, I automatically woke up early. I was up at 6 plus, going 7. The power of fear. I kept trying to go back to sleep but couldn't really sleep and when my phone vibrated at 7 plus, I knew it was here. I pretended I didn't feel and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't and not long after, I couldn't resist and checked my phone.

My results are okay but not exactly what I expected like. Haha like I thought my advanced abnormal will score better but apparently my child abnormal scored better. I thought my correctional will do okay, but I got quite bad for that. 

Anyway, my honours class remained and I'm one step closer to graduating. Haha, until I step on stage with my graduation gown, I'm still a student. 

Haix, but this is another pressure that I really need to get a job. It's really not easy though. Many of them want experience, but who's going to give us the experience? I really hope I can get a job soon. Please! 

On a funny note, today while I was out to get lunch, I met a guy promoting UOB credit card. He asked me if I was working and I said no, then he asked me if I was studying I said no. Then he was like tai tai ah? And sadly, I'm like no, unemployed. So sad, I'm part of the unemployed population now. I hope I get out of this soon. *crosses fingers* 

Saturday 1 June 2013

Box me.

I just remembered, I bought chocolates from Japan airport to eat while I was in Korea. Guess what? I happily put the chocolate in the fridge and forgot about it until today. 

Argh, I'm never going to put things in the fridge anymore. Previously in Taiwan, we put egg pudding in the fridge and ended up we forgot about it also.

Argh, my yummy chocolate which I didn't even get to eat once. :'(