Monday 6 August 2012

My Brother's Wedding (Morning)

Watching olympics makes me emo, I don't know why I will feel bad for the people who lose, especially when they're so near yet so far, cause it's like their dreams are all there and the pressure from their country's support. When the player gets injured, it makes people feel even sadder. So much said, I'm still not really into watching sports. I finished reading Wednesday's Child by Shane Dunphy. Good book, but I can't figure out why the title is called Wednesday's child. The thing about childcare/child protection worker is that as much as you try to help every kid that comes to you, sometimes you just can't help every single kid.

07072012 was the day my brother got married!
Woke up damn early in the morning, like 7?
The funny thing was, the uncles and aunties were supposed to reach at 10, but because my cousin's family has such a reputation for being late, my grandma actually told the time that was 2 hours before the actual time.

Let's see, some traditions I got to know.
1) Everybody is supposed to be at the living room when the couple enter and can only come out of their rooms when the couple enter their room.
2) No sitting/lying on the couple's bed once the bed is set. Unless you're a kid.

Pictures spam.
So many people!

Tea for you?

Tea ceremony.
My first and likely the last time holding the tea tray.

Damn awkward when I had to serve tea to my brother and da sao.

The buffet was quite good.  The main was mee siam (dry) and the usuals like curry chicken, fried fish and cereal prawn, but in between all that there was har gao. 
dragon-phoenix candles

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