Tuesday 31 December 2013

Day out with my cousin

Belated photo with a Christmas tree. 

Yesterday I met for cousin for kbox! It has been a long time since I last sang K, the last time was in Sept. Kala card is really quite worth it! $8 ($16 if you just made the card) and you get entertainment for 3 hours. 

Walked around orchard after k. One of the main aim was to bring her to see the Christmas lights but she ah, unappreciative leh, never pretend to be amazed. 

It was super hard to find a place to eat at ion and we were just looking for anywhere with a seat cause we were hungry. 

Our other aim was to shop but I guess we ended up more window shopping. It was still good though. I will miss the freedom. 

Father: why you dress like 11-12 years old. 
Me: cause I'm 8 years old! 

Tomorrow will be the start of 2014. Hope it will be a good year!!! And my cousins will be here tml! 

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