Tuesday 3 December 2013

Japan - Mt Fuji

So people told me that Japan transport is always on time, they are never late. ALL LIES!

On the day I was supposed to go for the Mt Fuji tour, I woke up super early to get to Shinjuku bus terminal to catch the highway bus to Kawaguchiko station at 7.10am.

Rahh, got lost on the way because I walked in the wrong direction so I had to keep asking for directions. Luckily I reached Shinjuku early to buffer for the time I spent getting lost, if not please kill me if I missed the bus.

The bus was supposed to reach at 8.55 and my tour will be 9.10 from Kawaguchiko station. However as there was a jam on the highway, I only reached there 9.15-9.20 and fml, the tour bus was gone. Panic Panic. So I was thinking if I should just waste my time and wait till 2.05pm for the afternoon tour or try to go somewhere by myself. Thankfully, there was wifi at the visitor's centre so I could figure out where the tour was going. Found out that their second stop was at Mt fuji 5th level so I went to ask if there was a bus to go up there and yes there was. So I bought the bus tickets and hope that by luck I will meet them up there or else I will come back to Kawaguchiko station and meet them for the afternoon tour.
Add some dark clouds and lightning over my head and that's my feeling at that time.

On the bus, up up and away!
Mt Fuji Spotted

That day's view of mt Fuji was good!

Desperate attempts for photos on the 5th level of Mt Fuji, I got strangers to take photos for me. Fml, forever alone. 

Soon it was almost time for me to take the bus back down. While walking to the bus stop, I saw another tour bus and saw some girls up on the bus. Went to take a closer look and woohoo, I see Muihong. 

Went back to Kawaguchiko station for lunch.
Hoto Pot Noodle
Their specialty. It's damn big bowl. Taste abit like our ban mian.
Our tour guide
Next we went to the ice cave.

Behind my smiling face, I almost died trying to walk through the ice cave because we had to be in a half squatting position most of the time. When I came out, I felt one of my legs like jelly and went on to have muscleache on the next few days.
Actually I was expecting to see something like this instead of what I saw so it was kind of disappointing.
The roots of the trees are actually growing out of the ground. This place is part of the suicide forest. Didn't know of  the existence of such a place until somebody from the tour group asked.
We're stepping on Lava.
I didn't climb down because I was worried if I climb down I may not be able to climb back up anymore. You can actually go inside the wind cave but the tour guide will need to apply for license and you need tools like helmets.

Since it's a Mt fuji tour so more photos of Mt Fuji.

People can sit nicely on the ledge...
I can only do a suicide pose.
More Mt Fuji Spam...

One with Muihong.
Found a pile of shit on the floor. 

Anyway the bus back to Tokyo came late. Damn late some more. 

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