Monday 16 December 2013

Bedok Mall

Spent my Sunday packing my room, how sad. I'm damn bad at packing my room because i'm a hoarder. My father forced me to do it because my uncle and family is coming to Singapore!! Yay!!! Not that they are staying at my house, too many people. Anyway they are going to stay at atas hotel, never in my life have I stayed in a five star hotel before. Not only do I get to see my cousins, I will get to see the Nephew, who never knew my existence.

Quite some things to update but too lazy to do so. Why am I so lazy. 

Visited the new Bedok Mall On Saturday. Nice!! I like it and it's so near to my grandma's house. There's a wide variety of shops there, which include a lot of food and shopping. Can you believe they have pepper lunch, menya musashi, Tim ho wan and uniqlo. In my opinion, their shops variety is much better than compasspoint or hougang mall. Can't believe they opened such a good mall at Bedok. Not sure if all the shops are opened yet but I doubt so because till now they only open until 2nd floor, which my cousin say is an open area. Chameleon was having sales, 10 items for 5 dollars, wtf cheap. Damn sad because I didn't end up getting because it's hard to find 10 items I like and most of them are ribbons/hair bands which I have alot already. Trying to make myself feel better. 

Then we had ice cream. Durian ice cream from four seasons durian. Yummy and at $3, the price is quite affordable for a shopping mall atas ice cream. 

Can't wait to go back and eat all the food! So tempted to eat everything. 

Recently there's this mental age test that is very popular on Facebook. Went to try it and wtf, my mental age is 8. :x 

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