Sunday 29 December 2013

Last weekend of 2013

It's the last weekend of 2013.

Time flies, in a blink of eye, I have already graduated. 

This christmas I received alot alot alot of love. So much love that I feel undeserving of them. 

The logcake was very yummy. Even my aunt said so and she's that kind who have high expectations (to me).

My cousin gave me a freaking Polaroid! I was so surprised that the next 5 mins I could only say wow. Wow! 

Made carbonara and Oreo cheesecake with my cousin. 

The carbonara was bad but we still finished all of it which means it isn't that bad. Haha, optimistic. 

The Oreo cheesecake received good reviews though. Next time I shall try something else, maybe chocolate cheese cake. 

2 more days of 2013 and it's time to receive year 2014. The horse year, and I hope it'll be a good year! :) 

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