Sunday 30 September 2012


Recently I've been requesting and receiving hugs from my little primary 2 cousin. Because, I realized if I don't do it now, when he gets older he'll no longer want to give out free hugs.

If you have something you want to do, do it while you're young! Do it now! Like dying hair. If you want to dye your hair pink, blue, blonde or rainbow. Do it now, because once you start work, your company might just tell you such colours are a no no. Haha but useless me don't dare to dye such loud colours.

Kids grow up fast. So do we. Whatever you want to do with your siblings/cousins do them now, because once they/we grow up, we may no longer be able to do them, because as we mature, we change, we get too shy, or we just simply have no time. So while we still can, do it and keep all the nice and wonderful memories! :D

Thursday 27 September 2012

Happy Birthday

On my way to Bugis to meet Karen now.

I guess I didn't really started my birthday on the right note. My teacher started by giving the bomb of 4000 words essay. Was having diarrhea last night at 12 plus. Had a hard time falling asleep. Woke up having difficulty breathing, I realized my asthma like to come on my birthday, last year also.

This morning in a rush, I forgot to bring my comb!!! And I haven't comb my hair yet!

Haha but after all these, my 22nd year on earth will be 顺顺利利!

Actually when you reach my Earth, other than having the excuse to feast on nice food, it just seems to be a reminder that I'm a year older. Older and wiser?

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Monday 24 September 2012

Introducing Singapore

Marked and corrected
싱가포르는 작고 젊은 나라입니다. 그렇지만 싱가포르는대적인 도시입니다. 그래서 싱가포르는 너무 안전하지만 사람이 많습니다. 우 나라 나무와 많아서 싱가포르는 너무 예쁩니다. 우 나라 음식은 너무 맛있어서 싱가포르 음식이 너무 유명합니다. 하지만 싱가포르는 집과 차가 너무 비싸서 우리 삶은 정말 바쁘고 너무 스트레스가 많습니다.
싱가포르는 계절이 항상 여름입니다. 그래서 싱가포르는 날씨가 아주 덥고 습합니다. 하지만 싱가포르는 자연 재해가 없습니다.
그래서 싱가포르는 살기에는 너무 좋은 곳입니다
*Yawn* It's 2am, I'm doing my slides. Seriously, I think I'm damn slow at doing things like slides and essays. Continue tomorrow!

Recess week is here! Need to study for midterms though.

Friday 21 September 2012

School bits

Omg, guess what?


My professor thought today was recess week and she didn't come for lecture. At first we were thinking it's because of traffic jam so she's late. But ended up like maybe 6.30 or so, somebody managed to email and call her, and fol, she thought today is recess week.

And what's worse?! We have to go back next week for make-up lesson. :'(

Wednesday 19 September 2012

School bits

Next week is recess week. You should do something study. Take a trip, take a trip to the public library. You have a nice library down town.

My prof is so funny. Not being sarcastic here. I think he's a nice prof.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Full of questions

I feel so tired today. Totally cannot focus.

Feel so emo+cheated now. Today I saw that Thai airways was having sales to bangkok! But the timing quite bad though. Reach Bkk at 11.10pm and flight back at 8am is at 253.10 sgd. For a better return timing at 7.25pm, the price is at 277.10 sgd. Both cheaper than Scoot! Plus scoot timing is not super good either cause reach at 7.05pm.

Luckily the flight to Bkk timing sucks, if not I'll be super emo. This got me thinking (I'm always thinking stupid things), if you reach a country very late say 1 or 2am, how do you check in to the hotel. And if you want to check in on 10th at 1am are you suppose to book the hotel for 9th or 10th? Or should one just sleep at the airport?

Okay end of random ranting. Sian, tml is the start of another week. Week 6!

Thursday 13 September 2012

Random rant

I'm too addicted to researching about bangkok.

Yesterday I had a 6 hours break and I was suppose to do my readings and study my Korean but I ended up spending most of my time researching on Bangkok until my fully charged phone went flat. I was like 6/8 researching 1/8 listening to music 1/8 trying to read my readings till about 4? Then I felt my eyes was too tired and wanting to close then I actually went to sleep. Seriously! I should be spank.

I think my brain lack some inhibition thing to prevent me from getting distracted. Or I lack control over attention.

So what did I learnt?
1) we have to be very careful with our belongings. I already read of 2 people who almost got rob, 1 got bang by a kid and 1 got her bag slit.
2) the taxi drivers and tuk tuk drivers are out to scam you. It seems like sometimes it's actually hard to find one who will be willing to on the meter.
3) many cheap food!
4) clothes sound cheap but seems to be getting more expensive.
5) haha they like to charge tourist more expensive. Think this the same for many countries.

Yay, can't wait for the sem to be over! Super looking forward but yeah I should stop researching.

Monday 10 September 2012

How cold is cold?

Recently, I think I'm over enthusiastic about my overseas trip in Dec/Jan. I have been researching non stop about baiyoke sky hotel yesterday, cause the reviews are quite conflicting. Some say it's bad and some say it's good. I really don't want to pay so much for a lousy hotel. I hope the hotel don't look so different from their website pictures. I think their outside looks quite rundown actually, hopefully the inside will be good. Think I overspent on this Thailand trip, I can elaborate more on this maybe after the trip.

Then I have been looking at qoo10 and recently saw some winter clothes. I need to buy some winter clothes for Taiwan trip but the thing is I'm not sure how thick the clothes need to be and how cold the weather will be. I'm also not sure how thick I'll need to wear in what kind of temperature since I've never really experienced cold cold weather. The most I got was I think previously in Hong Kong in dec, but the weather was fine until my last day the temperature dropped to I think 12. However, since it was the last day, I didn't have to bear with the cold cause I only felt it when I was went/standing out of the hotel, waiting/ going up the 'airport bus?' to get to the airport. Worse come to worse, I think if it's too cold I can actually just get more clothes when I'm there.

I really think too early and too much.

Finally after 4 weeks of school, I got more of a life. Went to sing k at Kbox scape with Karen. Damn weird, cause Karen made a booking and they said they don't have a booking. Cause I reached first I still thought I went to the wrong place and maybe is at cineleisure so I called Karen but nope I was at the correct place. Quite cheap, $10 nett for 3 hours cause there was a members' promotion.

Back to school tomorrow. One word, sian. Always dread school days.

Friday 7 September 2012


I just downloaded blogger app, now I can blog on the go! Maybe this will make me less lazy when it comes to blogging. I can use safari to blog actually, but the blogger is signed in using my old blogger email so I can view eunice's blog. Maybe I should ask her to send an invite to this email then when i'm at home I don't have to use IE(yes I still use IE!) for my old blogger email and firefox for the new blogger email.

So this week in school, I did 2 first times that deserves to be commemorated.

On Tuesday, there was a presentation for intro to counseling module. I was really nervous, but I'm nervous for all presentations. I brought lychee beer into the class to drink, cause we were the last group presenting. First time drinking beer in class, first time drinking lychee beer. Quite nice, the beer bitter taste won't be so strong and the lychee smell is very nice! It's 3.5% alcohol and 9% fruit juice. Ask my papa to get it for me from NTUC on Sunday. I don't really think it helped though, cause my voice I think was still trembling. A little worried about that because we were given 40 mins to present but ended in like 30 mins. Whenever I have presentations, I'm always worried that my lack of presentation skills will make me a burden of the group and all my group members will hate me. :( I really really really don't want to pull them down and I don't want them to hate me. :'(

Wednesday, Eunice came down to school to have lunch together!!! My 6 hours break was spent so much better! Went to Engine and had their YTF. I had it with their laksa gravy, disappointing! It was very bland. No fight for ARTS YTF. I miss the YTF at The Deck! It's not opened now but I heard it'll be open soon but don't think I will get to always eat it since my lessons are all in utown and I hardly go to fass now. Went to central library to check the price of textbooks, crazy expensive. Most ex one was a freaking $90.50. Went for bubbletea at Eskimo and chill. I had peppermint milk tea, not really nice, should have stick with the normal one. Thanks Eunice for coming down and the muffin.

Haha, so that was not the other first time. My other first time was, I actually went to the prof after my neuroscience of memory lesson and explained my view to him. We were going to and fro for like 10 mins cause when I left was 9.07. Seriously I think I had the courage to do that was because I'm pms-ing. I hardly open my mouth in tutorials, like the whole of my last 3 years I think I only voluntarily talked maybe once? Twice? during tutorials. I have never ever spoke to a professor on my own before, I think the only time I did speak to prof as a group was for my lab module. So this is a super rare occasion. Haha, he should be honored.

Yeah why am I typing out this post at this time when I should be having my psychological assessment lesson? My teacher release us one hour early! That's because she was sick. So many people are sick now and the haze is back! Take care!

Monday 3 September 2012


When it's tuesdays, I'll look forward to thursdays and on Fridays, I'll look forward to the weekends. I just spend my time counting down to the days I don't have to go to school.

 Tomorrow Today is the start of week 4, time flies! Week 4, 5 and 6 then it'll be recess week!

If I go and count the number of readings I need to do by now and I have not done, I think I might go crazy.

If I add that to the readings that I need to do in the future, wooooo! Maybe you'll need to prepare the $500/night ward in imh for me!

Seriously, how do people keep up with their readings. Need to be more determined, less distracted, more hardworking and less sleepy.

Seriously lagging behind in the readings and I'm such a slow reader because I'm such a proscratinator. I can just sit in front of the article and take 5 hours to read 5 pages.

I seriously need to find time and slowly list out all the readings I need to do.

I have not even bought/photocopied the textbooks for my modules! Need to find time to do that too.

Presentation on tuesday. Nervous. I even got my father to buy me beer so maybe I can drink before the presentation to loosen the nerves.

Xiuwen! 아자 아자 황이팅!