Tuesday 28 August 2012


I'm booking my airtickets to bangkok from Scoot and I feel damn cheated.

Last week go NATAS fair feel cheated, book airtickets from scoot feel cheated. :(

Saturday 25 August 2012

2nd week of school

Second week of school has ended and my modules are out and confirmed. Almost died while waiting for the appeal results, can't believe it took so long. I got rejected the next day when I appealed last sem. 'W' grade starts on 27 August 00:00 so I guess no more changing of modules!

Some tips for CORS appeal (not that I got all the modules I wanted).
1) When appealing, don't settle for less modules. I think they are more likely to give the modules to people who still don't have enough modules yet. (Not sure about this though.)
2) In the list of modules you appeal for, do not put in modules that you don't like as back up. If you put those modules in, most likely they will just ask you to settle for those even though your top choices are still the more popular modules.

If you do not get any of the modules in the list that you provided, they will provide you with a list of modules that still have vacancies and you can choose from that list. So don't worry about not having enough modules and just take the modules that you don't like because I really think that will decrease the chances of your appeal being approve.

So my confirmed modules.
~ Introduction to Counselling Psychology.
~ Psychological Assessment
~ Neuroscience of Memory
~ Psychometrics & Psychological Testing

The last two modules are really yucks! I have to be satisfied though, it's suppose to be 3 yucks modules. So glad I got psychological assessment through appeal.

I've been neglecting my blog since school reopened but my readings are already stacking to the roof! Plus look at my timetable, I seriously study as if I'm in a night school. All 3 days of school, I end school at 9pm, and by the time I reach home it's usually around 10 plus going 11 and I don't even have the mood to do anything else except sleep.

I really need to stop feeling embarrassed and bad about my CAP. Everytime people ask me about my CAP i feel so diu lian seriously (Yes! It happened today yesterday.). Sometimes I really can't help feeling that I don't belong there. Doesn't help that I entered year 4 without friends in my classes. Year 4 is really so different, everybody is so smart and I'm really at the bottom. Most of them are so vocal and they think very deeply and say very insightful observations, unlike me who is so superficial.

Thursday 16 August 2012


Okay today is my 3rd day of school and I'm waiting for my lecture at 4.

The past 2 day + today has been really tiring because I have lessons till 9, so by the time I reach home it's already 10 plus. Yesterday was the worst, I had a morning lesson 9-12 then I had a 6 hours break and another stupid mod from 6-9. Hate the module!

I really hate my school life this semester. I hate 2 of the modules that I got, I don't love 3 of the modules. I hate my timetable. I hate the assessment. Like fuck, they want to squeeze my brain juice till i have no more brain juice left. Every module has a term paper (2000 words x 4), 1 is a group project, and group presentations. In level 3000 it's either one or another and the term paper in level 3000 usually don't reach 2000 words. Woohoo! I'm a dead pig.

I have 1 blog post hanging there which I didn't have time to complete about honours and I wanted to do a blogpost on True Singaporeans on National Day but I got too lazy. Now I have no time! Blehx.

Off for cognition (pui) lecture now. Can't wait to get my rest!

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Ocean Park

I'm damn worried now! The GST voucher was supposed to bank into my bank account but they sent me a cheque. I'm so worried they closed down my bank account or something. Going down to the bank, hopes everything is fine if not i'll just die, seriously. (Went down to the bank today (7/8), it was because I had to activate my account cause I have not use it for a long time.)

Went to Ocean Park on 6 May. Lol more than 3 months from then.

Had Dim Sum breakfast with my Uncle (we have dim sum breakfast everyday!!!) and we cabbed to Ocean Park.

We reached super early, before Ocean Park even open. Ocean Park opens at 9.30am and closes at 8pm.
One thing, we're not allowed to bring food into Ocean Park!!! They even check your bags before you can enter. Lol and I was holding to one bag of leftovers from the dim sum breakfast. 

Cute too!
First thing we did was to chiong for the cable car ride to the summit. Didn't have to queue for a long time, or should I say no queue at all! Unlike the previous time I went, I remember there was a long queue.

The Rapids!
Must take! This ride is for everyone!!! Cause it's exciting yet not scary. So people like me who don't dare to take scary rides can ride this yet people who dare to take scary rides won't find this boring. Damn fun!

Played bumper cars,raging river (my first time take water slides), ocean tower, ferris wheel and skystar balloon ride. My brother and his gf (now wife) took the dragon and my brother dropped his phone on the ride. The nice people working there actually helped to keep his phone until he went back to look for it, deserve to be applauded!!!
View from tower/ferris wheel, can't remember.
I went to watch the Ocean Dreams too. Think we caught the earliest show. Go to the earliest show! It wasn't this crowded, I think only about 3/4 full? The show somehow seems quite boring as compared to the previous time I saw it, but the storyline shows the same though, with this grandfather and little girl I think.
Cute and big jellyfish.
Sleeping panda.

Active panda.
There were two pandas here, seriously they're so different. One panda was just sleeping away while this other panda was so cute. It kept walking up and down, and seems like he's posing for people to take photos of him. Clever!
SkyStar Ballon Ride.
Queued super long for this ride. Not worth it! It just goes up and down, equivalent to riding the ocean tower. Feel so bad because I'm the one who wanted to sit this ride and ended up waiting so long and the ride being not exciting.

Jia Jia

The commenter? for this 2 monkeys was super good! She kept explaining to my father and me about this 2 monkeys, how they are both good friends and they always help each other to pick fleas. Really another person who deserve to be applauded!
An An
Went back to the hotel at around 5pm.

Went for dinner at this supposedly popular and has a long history wanton mee shop.
Wanton mee that tastes bad!
The wanton mee was super disappointing. Doesn't even taste good at all. Not even mediocre tasting. Really taste like crap, even any wanton mee stall from any hawker centre will taste better than this.


Monday 6 August 2012

Xian De Lai

Went for steamboat with Karen at Xian De La couple of weeks ago.

Bak Kut Teh + Mala soup base
The Bak Kut Teh soup base didn't really have the Bak Kut Teh taste. The mala soup base though it doesn't have the reddish reddish authentic mala look, it was still spicy, although maybe not as spicy as that of Ting Yuan.
The ingredients here are not self-service, you have to order through them using a form where you tick off the ingredients you want. I don't really like this method because you can't go get the food as and when you like and it's like they'll know every single food you ordered. Plus if you want to order quite a few times, it's quite paiseh to keep asking them for the form? Cause they only gave us the form twice, including the time when first ordered, on their own accord.  Oh yeah, and now I got reminded, they didn't give us our honey chicken.

Something very bad happened while we were there. I burnt their pot. I ate too much hand-made noodles. Cause I think they stick very easily to bottom? so will burnt the pot very easily. Plus I think hand-made noodles made the soup thicker and easier to get burnt also? I felt very bad about it, cause they will have a super hard time cleaning the pot. I seriously thought for a moment they will just lash out at us. Brrrr! I'm seriously very bad with steamboat, the previous time at tingyuan also ate until burnt. I shall restrict my hand-made noodles next time or at least cook less at one time.
If only my eyes were this big!
The thought of school starting next week really makes me nervous and sad.

My Brother's Wedding (Morning)

Watching olympics makes me emo, I don't know why I will feel bad for the people who lose, especially when they're so near yet so far, cause it's like their dreams are all there and the pressure from their country's support. When the player gets injured, it makes people feel even sadder. So much said, I'm still not really into watching sports. I finished reading Wednesday's Child by Shane Dunphy. Good book, but I can't figure out why the title is called Wednesday's child. The thing about childcare/child protection worker is that as much as you try to help every kid that comes to you, sometimes you just can't help every single kid.

07072012 was the day my brother got married!
Woke up damn early in the morning, like 7?
The funny thing was, the uncles and aunties were supposed to reach at 10, but because my cousin's family has such a reputation for being late, my grandma actually told the time that was 2 hours before the actual time.

Let's see, some traditions I got to know.
1) Everybody is supposed to be at the living room when the couple enter and can only come out of their rooms when the couple enter their room.
2) No sitting/lying on the couple's bed once the bed is set. Unless you're a kid.

Pictures spam.
So many people!

Tea for you?

Tea ceremony.
My first and likely the last time holding the tea tray.

Damn awkward when I had to serve tea to my brother and da sao.

The buffet was quite good.  The main was mee siam (dry) and the usuals like curry chicken, fried fish and cereal prawn, but in between all that there was har gao. 
dragon-phoenix candles

Wednesday 1 August 2012


Just came back from another research session. This is a different research.

My kid doesn't talk to me at all! I think throughout I didn't even hear his voice but at least when I wave bye to him he waved back to me. Kids are so adorable still! Now I understand how when I was young I used to torture the people around me because I don't talk. I was really very shy when I was young, still shy now but alot better.

Actually I'm thinking, the school not giving me the modules is not their fault, it's my fault for not giving them enough points. It's just like when you're going from Primary to Secondary, they look at your results and determine which school you go to. The same when you go from Secondary to JC/Poly and then to University. Is it the same? So it's actually my fault, not their's. I just don't know why I'm so angry and sad and disappointed this time, I guess because I just really don't want to take not interesting modules, like how do I survive when 3 out of 4 mods are not what I want. That's life right? Sometimes you just have to go through what there is and there's no choices for you.

Rahh, sometimes my father really piss me off. For the second time, he told me “你收住那些分数做什么。” Seriously, he make it sounds as if this is my last semester, I still got next sem to worry about. Seriously, I don't even know if there's enough points for next sem now even though I have more leftover now after being deprive. I don't understand, he don't even know how this things works and he's just ranting like I purposely keep those points to bring to my coffin. He already asked me yesterday already and why must he ask me again today.  8:35