Monday 8 June 2015

SEA Games Carnival

Went to the SEA Games Carnival last Saturday after watching the swimming heats at the OCBC Aquatic Centre. The carnival is located just beside Stadium station.

Wanted to register for the hot air balloon before we went for the swimming heats but didn't managed to because both of us were not wearing covered shoes!!!

But to be honest, the hot air balloon doesn't look too fun because it doesn't free flow and it doesn't fly to a very height. Haha, or maybe we were just sour grapes cause we don't get to sit.

Went to get our carnival card. Collect 5 stamps by playing games to get a badge.
Our Carnival Cards and Us

Hockey Golf
Off to collect some chops with hockey golf. Haha, don't judge me by the way I hole the hockey or my posture, my ball actually went into the hole. See how enthusiastic I am wearing the carnival crown. 
Getting myself inked
 Haha this tattoo didn't last. By lunchtime, the tattoo was already all gone.
After this we kind of gave up collecting chops after walking on water and hockey golf because the games were all the kiddy or the queue was damn long. When we were there at around 11, the next session for laser tag was 2.15pm.

Saw interesting people walking around so it's photo time!!! 

 They had a Nila skit in between. It's the same skit that they performend when they went down to the primary schools.
 After taking this photo, I was looking outside and guess who I saw? I saw NILA!!! Immediately ran out.

 It is damn hard to take photo with NILA because everybody wants to take photo with him, so you have to be fast and be the first to rush up to him.

After that went to play with segway before heading down to MBS to watch the dragonboating competitions.
Initilly I was abit scare because my driving/cycling skills all damn bad. But this is damn cool!!!
my 25.90 shirt
Took me super long to decide if I wanted to get this shirt.

I feel that the carnival is really catered to small kids. Like kids who are kindergarten and below, or maybe primary school children also, because most the games were not suited for adults or teengaers. There were really limited activities which we could take part in. Haha, but I'm happy because I got to take photo with Nila!! Achievement of the day.

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