Saturday, 6 June 2015

3 Things I'm Grateful For Everyday

I was watching Kang Xi Lai Le and they suggested that every night if you think of 3 things that you are grateful for, you will be able to sleep better. I shall try this and even though I already sleep quite well every night, let's hope this will give me a more positive mindset and a happier mood everyday.

2nd June 2015
1) I am healthy and still alive. Yesterday I happened to see on facebook that Shone An from Comic Boyz passed away due to complications from liver cancer at the age of 32. It was terribly shocking because I didn't know he had cancer and I just saw him on Kang Xi Lai Le last Thursday.

2) I finished my target for laminating and cutting today. I calculated wrongly the amount I have to finished yesterday, I have 4 days instead of 3 but this means I ahead of target!

3) Auntie Meiling bought me breakfast and iced milk tea this morning! :)

3rd June 2015
1) I have no problem sleeping be it day or night. I guess it is something I should be grateful for seeing how I don't suffer from insonmia. I wanted to exercise today and yesterday but I ended up sleeping :o

2) Today can wake up slightly later because work starts slightly later.

3) I got to eat about 10 wantons for dinner today.

4th June 2015
1) I finished my laminating and cutting.  Just need to arrange accordingly tomorrow. 

2) Auntie gave me a free egg when i bought noodles today. 

3) Today while waiting for bus,  within one minute i saw the bus coming.   

4) Siew Ping bought drinks and Mei Ling bought hum ji pang for us.  

5th June
Almost forgot to do this today.
1) Sze Yin bought us drinks today.  

2) Ate till very full at hdl. Although quite sad no manicure. 

3) Today is the last day of work for the semester! Woohoo

6th June
1) I took photo with NILA!!!

2) Went to my grandma house for dinner. 

3) Saw a game record breaking swim at the swimming heats. I'm suddenly enthusiastic about SEA games so quite disappointed the swimming finals are sold out.

7th June 
1) My nephew can crawl already!! So big boy already. 

2) Saw singapore score a goal during the hockey match. 

3) Once again I am grateful I'm alive. Life is just so unpredictable. It is saddening to see students and teacher passed away during school trip which should be an enioyable event.  

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