Sunday 10 August 2014

Happy Birthday Singapore

Today is Singapore's birthday. 

I was watching the ndp just now. Listening to all the national day songs make me emo and makes me want to cry.  It really makes me proud and happy to be a Singaporean. Is like you will feel connected with all the other Singaporeans and there will always be somebody supporting you here, a place I call home. NDP songs really help bring people together and touch our hearts. 

Just now when l saw Lee Kuan Yew on tv and I felt a tinge of sadness. Shui yue bu rao ren. 

Singaporeans,  including me,  always complain about our lives here. If we look at it,  Singapore have really come a long way. I guess our complaining is just our way of ranting about daily lives and looking for someone to blame.  We always want the best in our lives. Things always work both ways, we need to give up something to get another.  More often than not,  we don't get the best of both worlds. Sometimes, I also do see where people's complains are coming from.  However,  we always forgot to look back and feel thankful for what we have today.

Happy Birthday Singapore! (oops seems like I'm a bit late)

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