Sunday 25 August 2013

Yummy Oreo Cheese Cupcakes

Decided to make oreo cheese cupcakes after feeling bored from doing nothing. 

On the thursday morning (15/8) I was suppose to make the cheese cupcakes, took out the electric hand mixer to try and fml, it was not working. Went down and bought a whisk instead to manually whipped the whipping cream. Read online that manually whipping take only 3-5 mins but I took like 15-20 mins. 

Made 11 cupcakes. 6 from the metal cupcakes holder and 5 from individual moulds.
Oreo Cheese Cupcakes
Nice right? They're all gone now. Into the tummies of my papa and me.
I would love to bring them out and share with people but the problem with cheesecakes are that they have to be kept refrigerated. Hence, unless I have a portable mini fridge, it will be hard to bring them out for people.
On Sunday, my papa bought me a new electric mixer. He was like, " Now you can go make mooncakes."
Can't wait to play with it. Baking is quite fun but the washing up after baking sucks to max.
Yay, now I just need a better oven, cause for my oven, I think the heat is always not evenly distributed.

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