Wednesday 14 August 2013

Divas in Distress

I just finished watching Divas in Distress.

I started watching on Sunday night and just finished watching. It's only 22 episodes.

I thought it'll be really funny since it's suppose to be a comedy. It's funny here and there but it wasn't as funny as I thought it will be. I thought I will keep laughing throughout the series but sadly I didn't. There seems to be non-stop troubles in their families and between the couples so it feels like there more quarrelling and trying to resolve their problems rather than comedy. I like the 2 new couples in the show though. However, almost everytime Vincent and Kwai Yi Hei are together, they have to play the song 'Can't take my eyes off you', I dont like.

On the other hand, I think the show taught me something too. Sometimes, not to jump to a conclusion too fast. Like towards the ending, when they were saying Miu Sing Ho had an affair because her bloodtype was O and her husband's bloodtype was suppose to O and their son had bloodtype A. However, it appeared that it was because her husband didn't know his bloodtype was A because he thought his sister was O so he was O. So sometimes, there is a need to have blind faith in the person even though all evidences are against him/her. However, it's hard especially when all evidences are pointing against the person. How do you draw the line between trust and being a fool.

The ending of the show was really lame. Like wtf superman lee is really superman and flew into outer space.

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