Sunday 18 August 2013


Met Pingxuan for lunch at Nex on Monday. 
Went to Danro which is under Lenas to try their Japanese Hotpot buffet. Thanks to Pingxuan for the treat to celebrate my graduation. 
Yuan Yang Guo
We get to choose 2 soup flavours.We chose chicken & milk and wafu miso broths. Their soup base is quite nice but I think the difference between the different types of soup base is not distinct. They also refill their soup base using either chicken/wafu base, which will cover up whatever is distinct about the soup base, like the milky taste in my case. You get to refill the soup base on your own by getting your required either chicken or fish soup from the buffet table, don't have to get the servers to refill for us.
They have a wide variety of food choices. Apart from the usual steamboat choices, they have cooked food, Japanese food choices like sushi and onsen egg and desserts. However, not everything is nice. Their cooked food is really below standard. Their fried chicken and fried rice both tasted like crap. The chicken was very dry and bland and the fried rice was too niam niam.
Yay!!! Time to fill the starving stomach. They also have a wide variety of sauces. Took sambal chilli and chilli padi for steamboat and soya sauce for sushi. The sambal chilli is not bad.

After filling our stomach till it almost exploded, it's time to fill the other stomach!
You get to pull your own ice cream. So cool, I vaguely remember last time 7-11 used to have it too but not sure if it's my imagination. I have no talent in making a one stroke nice ice cream shape but I think my design is not bad. Haha rainbow sprinkles plus chocolate sprinkles plus chocolate sauce. 
They also have watermelon and mini cakes. Damn upset, only when I was leaving I saw they refilled this white piece of cake. 

I think my appetite for this steamboat buffet was below expectation. I think I usually can eat more than what I ate that day when I go for steamboat buffets. The most ridiculous thing is, I left the place at 3.30 and by when was going home at like 5.30, I was hungry already. O.o

Their buffet lunch is $17.90++ while their buffet dinner is $23.90++ on weekdays. Lunch buffets are so much more worthit! 

During our lunch, found out that Pingxuan is going to Austrialia for work for 3 years in December. So envious!!! Haha, but I don't think I can survive 3 years on my own in another alien (to me) country.

Moving onto another issue. Sometimes I really orbi-good. Yesterday I drank ribena, coke and bubbletea and ended up getting asthma the next morning. Really orbi-good lo, cause usually even if I don't take medicine it will go away on its own by noon but today until 2pm it was still there. So ended I still took medicine.

Anyway since Friday, I have been telling people I'm on a low calorie/carbo diet. Haha, the idea is good but my actions are damn fail though. 

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