Sunday 24 February 2013

Melben Seafood

Met the KU family for dinner on Wednesday. Everybody made it!

Went for crabs at Melben Seafood which is located at Ang Mo Kio. Zhihui and Joy tried to call them for reservation but it either engaged/no answer so maybe they don't take reservation.

We reached at about 7:15 and there's a freaking long queue and it's a wednesday. Do people eat hao liao everyday of the week?

By the time we got seated it was about 8.15 and we only got our food close to 9 which is like supper time.

Butter Crab

We ordered butter crabs, beehoon crab with 2 times refill of beehoon and soup, 4 bao tofu and veggies.
I think the beehoon crab is nice but it's the beehoon and soup that is nice. So they should actually just sell the beehoon and soup.
Tofu was not the best but okay. It comes wiith prawns, brocolli and scallop (I think).
The veggie was quite nice, they give lots of sauce.
The butter crab was YUMMYLICIOUS. Damn nice! The butter sauce was really good, buttery and smooth. Goes well with crabs and mantous.

However, the food there is not cheap, especially the crabs. 2 big crabs and 1 small crab cost a freaking $290. When we heard the price we were like, omfg and we changed it to 3 small crabs which is $170. Compared to other places their prices of crab is on the higer end. Their price to add soup + beehoon once is $8. They charge 7% GST but not 10% service charge.

Our total bill came up to $251.

KU ISC Family
Yesterday my brother and his wife came back from US. They came back with 6 freaking luggages. 4 bigger ones and 2 small ones. I'm really curious about what they bought.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Taiwan Day 3 Food + Fisherman's Wharf & Lover's Bridge

Because we had 2 tiring days, we decided to keep day 3 kind of relaxing.
Taoyuan Jie Spicy Beef noodle
How to get there: Ximen mrt exit 3. Ximending circle, walk down Heng Yang Rd (away from XMD), turn right on Tao Yuan street. 2 story noodle shop on your left.

This is a super highly recommended shop for Beef noodle. However, both me and Muihong think it's so-so only. They give a very huge serving of noodle and also generous amount of beef. I'm not a beef lover but I love drinking soup but I think their soup is really so-so. Not really sure why it is so high recommended and it's super crowded too. Maybe it's just our taste.

After lunch we explored around XMD and then it's time for teabreak at Din Tai Fung.

Went to the Din Tai Fung main branch.
Took a train down to 大安 station. You can either walk there or take a bus. We decided to take a bus there since it's raining. Board the bus at Jianguo South Road Intersection and alight 2 stops later at YongKang St Intersection. It easy to stop Din Tai Fung once you alight.
We went up the bus at the wrong side and the super nice driver guided us to the correct bus stop opposite.

The Din Tai Fung person was very nice too. Super friendly!

Xiao Long Bao
How to eat your Xiao Long Bao

Fried Rice
At first we wanted to order 1 fried rice per person but the person gave us a shock face and asked if we ate at Din Tai Fung before. So we ended up sharing the fried rice which was a lucky thing because really too much for one person.

If you're at Din Tai Fung (main branch), remember to visit their toilet. It's the most atas public toilet I have ever seen. 

Took a train down to dan shui mrt and took bus down to Fisherman's wharf. You can either bus red 26,836 or 837.
The lighting starts at 7pm.

The weather was really bad. It was raining and windy which made it super cold.

Wearing the scarf that Karen made me for my 21st birthday!

This photo has a funny story behind it.
We were looking for people to take photo for us and there was this group of hong kong girls.
So I went up to them and asked if they can take a picture for us, but she didn't seem to understand me so I spoke in Cantonese. Haha, and she can't understand me either. Luckily her friend understood me.
I went back to Singapore and took my father what happened and apparently my cantonese was wrong. Oops.
After that we went to Dan shui for the food market. However, as it was raining not many people and not many stalls either.
Ah ge 35twd
Something warm and nice on a cold cold day. There is dong fen inside too. Not super delicious but good to eat though especially if you like things like tofu.

So Danshui food market ended our day 3.

For the rest of my taiwan post, click here

Saturday 16 February 2013

Resolutions update 1

So previously, I said I'll re-look at my 2013 resolutions.

Here they are. I've decided that instead of just reviewing them, I shall set concrete steps that I can take so I can achieve them.

1) Continue with my diet plan. 15kg.
Eat less. 
Walk instead of bus if I have time and distance is reasonable.  
Drink more plain water.  
2) Find a job that I love, hopefully pays well enough for me to survive. Also, to work hard in my new job.
Apply for more jobs.
If I get called for interview, be prepared.  
3) Study hard for my last semester and successfully graduate 
Study hard, harder, hardest.
Catch up with my readings. 
Stop less time stoning in front of the laptop. 
4) Be a nicer & kinder person.
In order for me to be nice and kind to others, I think I first need to be braver to take the first step. 
5) Be more social, make more friends yet don't forget and continue to keep in contact with all my old friends.
Smile more, don't appear to be so dao. 
I'll say be less stress in crowd but somehow I think that's my personality, hopefully something I can improve on! 
6) Spend more time with family and friends.
Date people, if busy, text them. Power of technology.
I'm currently trying to take more pictures so I can make it into a last sem album, but now I got more food than human photos. Need to take more photos next time when I go out. 
Eat at home at least 3 times a week.  
7) Travel and see the world
Planning my grad trip. Highly likely my only trip left till the end of the year.
Save money so I can bring my family to taiwan next year.
Hopefully visit some place new every year. 
8) Continue to progress with my Korean language.
Not sure about this. Next week is my last lesson. So my teacher say she'll see how many students want to continue before she'll see if she'll open the next class. Hopefully she does, if not, I can always self study! Haha, in my dreams. 
9) Study hard for my last semester. Decided to combine studying hard with sucessfully graduate so I have room for one more resolution. Save money.
Keep track of my spending.
Spend within my limits especially after I get a job. 
Proportion my pay properly next time when I work - for my father, for my spendings, for my untouch savings, for my savings for wants and likelihood I need to get insurance and/or savings plan too. 

10) Eat healthily & drink more plain water.
Set a limit to how much I must drink everyday? Maybe make sure I at least finish the water in my water bottle everyday. 
11) Play hard as I age.
Be brave and try new things.
12) Find a bf if I can.
13) Added  1 more since 2013 should have 13 resolutions. Pack my room and keep my room neat and tidy.
First, I need to stop hoarding. I love to keep things, useless things too like for example packaging of my skincare, haircare and makeup. I need to throw throw throw. 
Put things back to where I took it after using it.  
Stop buying useless stuff that I don't need. 

Sunday 10 February 2013

Happy Chinese New Year

It's the time of the year again! 
Lots of food and gathering. 

Sadly, I don't feel damn excited about CNY this year. Some of my friends felt this way too. Is it part of aging. I didn't get new clothes nearing to CNY, I got it ready last year when I was buying the dress for my brother's wedding. Lol.

CNY is funny. We're suppose to all gather together and catch up. However, I always end up at my grandma house and many either end up sleeping or watching tv. Oh yeah, or else they're using their phone. The curse of smartphones. 

Still, have a great snake year ahead!

Time to review last year's resolution.
1) Study hard ... harder ...hardest...and pull up my cap...
me...very important if I decides to study honours after 2011/2012 sem 2 Okay may I didn't study the hardest of the hardest. However, I'm studying honours now. So at least 1/2. 

2) Lose 12kg ( I've decided to be more realistic...instead of 15 i changed it to 12!!!) Don't even talk about this.
3) Stop spending money like no tomorrow...SAVE MONEY...and keep track of my spendings I try to keep track of my spendings, but still spending alot.
4) Be more confident....learn to speak up in class and get over my freaking phobia towards presentationsStill fear presentation.
5) Get over korean idols...mainly super junior...and please don't find another one idol to go nuts over I think I'm on the way, maybe another 1/2.
6) Be nicer and actions and thinking I tried to be nicer and kinder. Maybe 1/2?
7) Go overseas... can i be greedy and say I want to experience snow... (What happened to me...I used to not crave going overseas...or I may not even like going overseas in the past...) Last year I went to BKK and HongKong. Went to Jan this year. However, I didn't experience snow. I did experience super cold weather though. So 3/4 for this.

8) Keep my room neat Not successful. Need to work harder.
9) Save money to buy a laptop Nope didn't get a new one, still using the one my brother lent/I assumed gave to me.
10) Register for TOPIK in October and pass it...Yep, successful! Although I just got a grade 1. 
11) Drink alot of water everyday (I mean plain water...this may seems easy but I can go without drinking plain water for one whole day and usually I just drink 1-2 cups of water a day) Still need to try harder!
12) Be satisfied and happy! :D Need to work harder on this too. 

I did 4 and 1/4 out of 12! Improvement!!! Hehe, I shall review my this year's resolution maybe end Feb or March? I think it'll be good to take it out and review every few weeks/months, so I keep them in mind, work on them and if necessary, edit them to fit me at that moment. 

Friday 8 February 2013

Psychology Dilemma

‘Dark patch’ visible in brain scans of killers and rapists, neurologist claims

Can you spot evil in an X-ray?You can, at least according to a German scientist who claims an "evil patch" is visible in brain scans of criminals.
Dr. Gerhard Roth, a neurologist and professor at the University of Bremen, told London's Daily Mail that he discovered a dark mass near the front of the brain in scans of people with criminal records.
"When you look at the brain scans of hardened criminals, there are almost always severe shortcomings in the lower forehead part of the brain," Roth said. "There are cases where someone becomes criminal as a result of a tumor or an injury in that area, and after an operation to remove the tumor, that person was completely normal again."
He added, "This is definitely the region of the brain where evil is formed and where it lurks."
Roth is not alone in his belief that brain scans can reveal psychopathic tendencies.
Kent Kiehl, associate professor of psychology at the University of New Mexico, for one, used a mobile MRI unit to conduct brain scans on 2,000 prison inmates in Wisconsin and New Mexico.
Kiehl found similar patterns in their brain scans. “If you have different behavior, you’re going to have a different brain," he said at a 2012 lecture at Duke University:
Kiehl noted the role of the MAOA gene in violent behavior. He said if one has the gene and comes from a stressful environment, he or she has a significantly elevated risk for committing a violent offense. The gene may contribute to variability in grey matter density in some parts of the brain, which is a risk factor for psychopathy.
“Psychopathy is currently considered the single best predictor of future behavior,” Kiehl said.
Roth agrees: "When I will look at young people, and I see there are developmental disorders in the lower forehead brain, I can say that there is a felon in the making with 66 percent probability."
A growing number of psychologists "believe that psychopathy, like autism, is a distinct neurological condition—one that can be identified in children as young as 5," the New York Times reported in May. "Crucial to this diagnosis are callous-unemotional traits, which most researchers now believe distinguish 'fledgling psychopaths.'"
Not all psychologists believe such a diagnosis is possible, and even those that do admit they are uncomfortable with it.
"No one is comfortable labeling a 5-year-old a psychopath.” Mark Dadds, a psychologist at the University of New South Wales, told the Times. "[But] the research showing that this temperament exists and can be identified in young children is quite strong.”
Roth himself admits the research is not foolproof.
"Of course it is not automatic," he told the Daily Mail. "The brain can compensate somewhat for violent tendencies, and it is unclear how that works."

I'm not sure if there's really a 'dark patch' in the brain but psychology always believe in the nature and nurture theory. So in the event when there is really a biological reason for a certain behavior, does it mean that the person is not to be blame. For instance, if there's a murderer or rapist gene/disorder, does it mean that engaging in murder or rape is beyond their control and hence should be dealt with leniently? Or in another way, if it's biological/nature and cannot be changed, should they be killed so it do not have the chance to do it again? 

By the way, another question which is linked to this. 
For the serial rapist/murders/paedophiles...
Are they BAD or are they MAD?

Monday 4 February 2013

Katong Laksa @ Labrador park

Met Eunice for lunch after class last Thursday at katong laksa near Labrador park. Surprisingly, there was no crowd even though it was lunch hour. There was only one other group when we went in and they weren't eating laksa.

After eating, I knew why there was no lunch hour crowd despite it being supposedly famous. Partly it may be because it's quite expensive for such a small bowl with 2/3 prawns. The laksa gravy was super disappointing. It was almost tasteless, I couldn't taste the laksa gravy. Even nus ytf produces better laksa gravy even though they do not specialize in laksa. Even the coffeeshop downstairs my house produces better laksa. I remember eating the real katong laksa at katong a few years ago and the gravy wasn't suppose to taste like that.

Seriously, the brand or many artists photos in the shop may help attract customers but without an up to standard food, people will not be repeat customers.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Japan & Korea

Yes! It's confirmed. Just booked airtickets today yesterday! Abit sad cause it made me broke, and there's still so many areas I need to bomb money for, like hotel and money exchange.

Japan & Korea, see you in May!

Now the long journey to get hotel and plan the itinerary.

Friday 1 February 2013

Taiwan Day 2 - Cingjing + Steamboat + Taipei 101

Booked a Hehuashan sunrise tour at 400twd. Had to gather at the main area at 4.35am (do not be late, the bus doesn't wait), so we had to wake up at 3 plus. Now I reached a point where I'll feel insecure without my concealer and BB cream but as the minsu has a save the earth policy, they only have hot water at certain timings which definitely don't include 3am in the morning. So I was like "Damn, I'm so not going to wash my face."

The roads at Cingjing are dark and we had walk down quite a distance so we upon muihong's suggestion, we downloaded the flashlight app which saved our lives.

The tour also includes an explanation of the stars. However, I couldn't captured any of the stars because by the time we were allowed to take photo, the clouds came in. The tour guide has a super duper cool laser pointer that can point right into the sky.

So off we went for our sunrise tour. Remember to keep warm, especially in winter, apparently the day before we went it was -2 degress on Hehuashan.The day we went up the thermometer wasn't on so not sure what's the temperature like.
They have several stop points on Hehuashan. As we go further up, the amount of time people stay outside to explore will decrease significantly cause everybody was freezing their asses off.
Cute red bus
I was already wearing uniqlo heattech tee + woollen long sleeve + trench coat (2 layers) but still freaking cold. Luckily the bus provided winter jacket and gloves on the bus which we could borrowed and they specially mentioned Singaporeans and Malaysians. Haha, I think we're known for under-dressing. So I ended up wearing 5 layers of top and 2 gloves. Ming fu qi shi de bazhang. It's so damn cold also because the wind there is really strong.


I realised I can't really appreciate sunrise because while everybody were like excited over it  and I'm like "oh, okay." They were all excited during the above 2 pictures but I'm like haven't the sun already came out before that (3rd picture above).

Reached back to our minsu at around 8 and after breakfast, it's time to head back to Taichung and back to Taipei.

I think to really explore the whole of cingjing, 2 days 1 night is insufficient. Maybe 2 days is enough, but it'll have to be a full 2 days instead of leaving in the morning like we did. 

Stayed at East Dragon Hotel at XMD.
When we're in the hotel, called to make reservation to have steamboat at this super popular steamboat place 马辣顶级麻辣鸳鸯火锅 at ximending. It's somewhere near the KFC.

They were very nice, cause we went at 4 but they actually charged us the lunch price. If we're in Singapore, likelihood they'll charge us dinner price.
Mala +some ya (duck) and hua diao jiu

Their mala is good but I don't like the other one but I think it's because I'm not used to the taste. They really have a wide variety of choices of food from flour food to seafood to meat. They just don't have my favourite U-mian.
Not only that, they also have a large variety of desserts. They have cakes, fruits and 8 flavours of Haagen Daz and movenpick ice-creram which makes 16 flavours of ice-cream! Yums.

After a full dinner, we went to Taipei 101.

Can you see the difference between the temperature in Taipei and the temperature in Hehuashan?

Taipei 101 entrance fee: 400twd with youth travel card.
How can I wear rabbit ears shirt if I don't show off the rabbit ears!

Tour guide

They have mailboxes to help you send postcards to yourself, families and/or friends from above 101.

I don't really think it's worth paying 400twd which is close to 20 sgd to go up Taipei 101. Cause there's really nothing much to do there except look at the view (which look like the same to me 360 degrees). I tried spotting some of the places from the recorder but can't really find them, they all look the same to me. They also have a outdoor deck but part of it was close due to the strong wind. Maybe it's worth going once for the experience, plus you get to go up the world's fastest elevator! 
 Saw Koi before going to Taipei 101 so of course we had to get one. They don't have grass jelly milk tea. :( So I got pudding milk tea. It's 60 twd for such a large cup!

On the way back to the train station, we saw these freaking cute dogs! This man brought them there to raise awareness for his charity work on abandoned dogs/dogs therapy/dogs training/dog adoption. He owns like 10 gold retriever. You're free to touch and interact with them. I was so scared the dogs will want to drink my bubbletea so I put it in my bag and ended up most of it poured into my bag. -_- My stupid idea and I.

The dogs are quite well-trained. When they lights went off, they know it's time to go home and they'll even help the man take his container. Plus most of his dogs aren't leashed and they know where to go. Aww, so cute!

So day 2 ended as it's time to go home when the dogs go home.
 For the rest of my taiwan post, click here.


I'm always proud that I have a super strong immune system.

After fighting for so long, recently it failed (for awhile). On Tuesday my throat started feeling weird like the sign before a sore throat. And on Wednesday I had a full blown sore throat but on Thursday the sore throat was sort of gone (see my immune system is working). However, it turned into cough. So I started having itchy throat which results in me being in a coughing state once every few hours. Buay tahan cause damn aa when I cough on public transport or in class.

Went to UHC today, thought I couldn't since I had a group project meeting. My group meeting ended in 20 mins. I told D all the way to science and already walked half way to Kent ridge before I decided I wanted to go to UHC so I turned back. -_-" It has been eons since I last went to UHC.

I got cough mixture and lozenges for $2! Dont know why he gave me lozenges, does it cure itchy throat? I have lots of strepsils in bag. Hopefully the cough goes away soon.

I think the doctor hates me cause he keep asking me to breathe hard but I really breathe hard already! I didn't know he want me to breathe hard through my mouth, he should have demo to me at the beginning. Lol the doctor told me "see you soon" when I was leaving. I laughed. Haha but in my brain I was thinking "no I don't want to see you, see you means I'm not cured".