Sunday 3 December 2017

2 Sep 17 - Hong Kong Day 1

I want to blog about my holidays because I realised like to go back and read about them. Should I blog about my BKK trip which I just came back from or should I start from the HK trip in Sep, or should I continue with my Japan trip from 2015. Haha I guess I shall start from the HK trip in Sep.

Went to HK with Karen during the Sep holidays, it was our first trip together after 10 years.

Flew with Scoot and our flight was delayed for more than 3 hours from 6am to 9am. Luckily they informed us the night before and we could go to the airport late, if not we would be stuck in the airport and be zombiefied.

On the way!
 The flight to HK was on Scoot's large plane, which meant we had more leg space.

Their window shades are so high tech that you don't even have to pull down the shades, you just use the button to control how tinted you want the window to be.
By the time we reached HK and cleared immigration, it was already 2 plus, and we went to have lunch cum tea break at 翠華餐廳 Cui Hua restaurant at the airport. They are famous for their butter bun. Their butter bun is not bad, but the noodles there is meh.
On the bus 
Took Bus E11 to our hotel, L' Hotel Causeway Bay, because it stop at Tin Hau bus terminal, while if we take the train we would need to change train. I think we both regret this choice, because even though they say that the ride would take 80 mins, I'm sure it definitely took more than that, partly because of the traffic. By the end of the bus ride, both of us were on the verge of puking, thanks to motion sickness. By the time we reached our hotel, it was already 5 plus? and the sky was already turning dark. So next time, take the train!

After taking a short rest and dumping our luggage at the hotel. We were off to temple street.

We were deciding between Four Seasons Hot Pot and Hing Kee Restaurant which were just opposite each other. Decided on Hing Kee Restaurant because read on Darren's facebook that the claypot there was good and the sausage was to die for.
I prefer the Singapore's version of claypot rice. And Karen tried the sausage version, and we didn't think that it was too die for. I felt that it was too oily.

Twinning in our leggings and same handphone cover
After shopping at temple street, it's time to go back to our hotel, and that marked the end of our day 1 in Hong Kong.

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