Thursday 19 February 2015

Time flies

Soon february will be ending and it has been a busy month especially last week. Can't believe it is already Chinese New Year. Where did all the time go?
Thanks to my brother who gave me 8 movie tickets on 8th February which expired on 14th February, last week was a mad rush to watch movies. Lucky me managed to catch 3 movies together with 3 of my lucky friends.
On tuesday, caught unbroken with Muihong at Plaza Singapura. Unbroken was a true story based on World War 2 warriors. They were really super unlucky but very determined people. After staying out so many days in the sea, the people who actually 'saved' them were their enemies. The Japanese leader really give me the creeps, like wtf is wrong with him. he sounds like he has low self-esteem which is why he is bullying all the prisoners.
On wednesday, went to kbox with Karen and Linjie. I went to voice but left with no voice. :/
On thursday, watched I'm fine,thank you with Qiyin at Plaza Singapura. Think it is a the first time I'm watching at Thai movie at the cinema, Thai movies usually reminds of horror movies. I think this was the movie I enjoyed the most because it was very funny. It's much better than the trailer because initially I thought the trailer was just meh, but the movie was good. Plus the actors (both the lead and the second lead) and the actress are all very good looking. 
On friday, watch American Sniper with Eunice at Plaza Singapura. American sniper is good but a little too slow for me. I kept thinking that the movie was very long such that I even went online to check how long was the movie going to be. Not to say the movie is not nice though. I think it's just that the scenes were too repetitive for me. The ending really shock me because I didn't know about this person and I didn't know the story so I was so shocked that he was actually killed by someone, someone he was trying to help. So shock and so angry. The author they found to act as American Sniper really looked like him.
On Saturday I had Chingay practice and the food was spoilt again. It was the same the previous week. In addition, the music they played was wrong. When will they give the perfect chingay?!
One week has 7 days and I went to Orchard more than half of the days. First time so happening yo. 
During CNY eve when I was helping in one of the classroom.
Girl: Teacher, I like you.
Me: Why?
Girl: Because you are very helpful. 

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