Monday 23 February 2015

Chinese New Year 2015

Every year, CNY is mostly spent at home or my grandma's house. 
My cousin really so tall. Both trying to tip toe to be taller than the other. Haha, obviously I'm much shorter. 

After that it was time for some games instead of just lying around/watching tv. 

First off was Taboo. Boys vs Girls! 
Feel bored when it's the boys' turn.

My cousin was super evil. When he was suppose to let the others guess the word flat, he pointed to his sister's chest.  
Drama King
My super drama uncle. He's always damn drama and super funny.  

Haha, if I didn't remember wrongly, the girls won by more than 10 points!

Next up was Mahjong time! Damn long haven't touch the real mahjong tiles, only played using the application.
Not bad right my tiles? Haha, but didn't win.  
Dinner Time!
I love the crabsticks and abalone and scallop. CNY day 1 only one table but CNY eve we had 2 tables and 2 steamboat pots to squeeze all the people inside. One big family.
My hair for the day. Self-claimed very nice and easy to tie too.  
Day 2 plan was to go to my grandma house and gamble! Lol, I thought horse luck was number 1 this year and I can win lots of $$$. However, the money just came in and went out again, came in and went out again. Ended up I won! $1, lol. There's really such thing as beginner's luck, I remember the first time I played I won a lot and this year my cousin's first time playing and he won $17! He was damn funny, half way through the game when he wasn't winning, he went to fridge and took a can of coke and showed the 'wang' on the can and said 'wang ah'. I wanted to follow suit but no more coke in the fridge. 
Day 3 met Cheryl at Tampines Mall to watch Dragon Blade by Jackie Chan. Most happening CNY, first time I'm watching movie during CNY. Initially we wanted to watch Triumph to the Skies movies but after reading the reviews, no thanks. The acting, action and meaning behind Dragon Blade is all very good but it was quite gory and bloody.  Quite a good movie to catch.
Before movie, went for lunch at Itacho. I really want to award them the worst service award. I ordered ice water with the assistant supervisor but it never came. Then I asked the waiter, not once, but twice and my ice water still didn't come. Finally, after asking the assistant manager then my water came. And hello, my ice water not free okay, they charge $1 for iced water. 
Then my torture didn't end there. See what I found in my bowl of udon.
Seriously wtf, I thought I ordered udon and not plastic. 
One with Cheryl
I super love jumper style but my father always say only 8 years old wear this. Now don't wear cute cute next time older even more no chance to wear.

Day 4 was spent looking after my nephew and sleeping. OOTD was pyjamas. 

This marked my not very exciting CNY holiday but I appreciate the long holiday!   

Next up, Chingay performance. Full dress rehearsal - Thursday. Chingay Performance - Friday & Saturday. Hope everything goes well!

Thursday 19 February 2015

Time flies

Soon february will be ending and it has been a busy month especially last week. Can't believe it is already Chinese New Year. Where did all the time go?
Thanks to my brother who gave me 8 movie tickets on 8th February which expired on 14th February, last week was a mad rush to watch movies. Lucky me managed to catch 3 movies together with 3 of my lucky friends.
On tuesday, caught unbroken with Muihong at Plaza Singapura. Unbroken was a true story based on World War 2 warriors. They were really super unlucky but very determined people. After staying out so many days in the sea, the people who actually 'saved' them were their enemies. The Japanese leader really give me the creeps, like wtf is wrong with him. he sounds like he has low self-esteem which is why he is bullying all the prisoners.
On wednesday, went to kbox with Karen and Linjie. I went to voice but left with no voice. :/
On thursday, watched I'm fine,thank you with Qiyin at Plaza Singapura. Think it is a the first time I'm watching at Thai movie at the cinema, Thai movies usually reminds of horror movies. I think this was the movie I enjoyed the most because it was very funny. It's much better than the trailer because initially I thought the trailer was just meh, but the movie was good. Plus the actors (both the lead and the second lead) and the actress are all very good looking. 
On friday, watch American Sniper with Eunice at Plaza Singapura. American sniper is good but a little too slow for me. I kept thinking that the movie was very long such that I even went online to check how long was the movie going to be. Not to say the movie is not nice though. I think it's just that the scenes were too repetitive for me. The ending really shock me because I didn't know about this person and I didn't know the story so I was so shocked that he was actually killed by someone, someone he was trying to help. So shock and so angry. The author they found to act as American Sniper really looked like him.
On Saturday I had Chingay practice and the food was spoilt again. It was the same the previous week. In addition, the music they played was wrong. When will they give the perfect chingay?!
One week has 7 days and I went to Orchard more than half of the days. First time so happening yo. 
During CNY eve when I was helping in one of the classroom.
Girl: Teacher, I like you.
Me: Why?
Girl: Because you are very helpful. 

Sunday 8 February 2015

Vibe Hotel Sydney

We were deciding between a few hotels and decided on this hotel because of the price as we just paid  I think $5 more per person per night and we got a 4 star hotel with swimming pool. Lol, not as if I used the swimming pool. 
Lobby Area

Lobby Area

There room is smaller than I expected from the pictures on the website but more than enough space to lie out our luggages and what not.



There room even comes with ironing board and iron.

All in all, I think Vibe Hotel Sydney is a good, clean and spacious hotel. The hotel is quite accessible by leg to many areas too and there is the museum station located about 8-10mins walking distance away from the hotel.  They have a small swimming pool, gym and sauna. Wanted to go explore the sauna on one of the day nights but it was down so ended went to the gym for 10 minutes. Haha, the gym is small but have lots of different equipments, they even have a yoga mat. I wouldn't mind staying there again if I were to go back to Sydney again, as long as it's not too expensive :X.

For the rest of Australia Sydney's post - click here.

Wednesday 4 February 2015


Just came back from seeing the doctor and eating my porridge now.

Going to see the doctor is so expensive, $46.80. I miss neighbourhood 'brandless' clinics which are so much cheaper.

I started having cough and runny nose on monday but I started having fever last evening. Not sure if it's the caramel popcorn on Saturday because previously when I ate I also had cough and sore throat after that. 

Haha, or maybe I'm allergic to working, this is the second time I'm sick this year while previously when I was still studying I was maybe sick 4/5 times throughout my whole uni life. Or maybe, I am just old? Missing the good old days in uni where seeing the doctor is free.

After taking my bp and height/weight
Doctor: I'm very pleased with your bp and height and weight.

Lol first time I hear doctor saying that.

Doctor: Do you want me to give you 2 days mc to rest.
Me: Actually I think I will go back to work tomorrow.

Lol, I think I can win the best employee award.

I already feel much better now. The best medicine is really just a lot of rest.