Friday 10 May 2013

Last Undergrad Exam

Sorry for the lack of the posts, I've been either really busy or lazy. Busy when i'm rushing out essays and presentations, lazy when i'm trying to break sleeping record and doing nothing on the internet. Taiwan day 6 post has been in drafting since forever. I hope I can finish my Taiwan posts before I fly off. 

Yesterday marks the unofficial end of my NUS undergrad life. So few people left having exams, they were only using mpsh 6, why can't they squeeze more papers together so people can end earlier. For my last papers, I managed 2 firsts to my undergrad life. I went to the toilet for the first time and I left early for the first time during exams. I was really excited the moment I was going to step out of the exam hall but once I did, the feeling died. So what's going to happen from here, I have no idea yet. 

So, when it comes to exam, what kind of person are you? Are you the kind who just feel damn happy that it is over or are you the kind who'll be thinking oh I should have written this or that. I'm the latter. And I think it's a very bad thing because it makes me angry at myself and sometimes make me ruminate my thoughts, which is damn bad because it's one of the cognitive causes for depression. I guess maybe that is also because why I don't like to check answers with people, avoidant coping skill. Then again, I like to clear doubts, like if I'm not sure I will want to check my notes then if I'm wrong I'll hate myself again. I also want results to come out fast because it gives me closure, it's either you give it to me fast or don't give it to me at all. Haha, but my school always takes damn long to give us our results. Results coming out on 4th june, so i should not think about it and I'm going to enjoy my holiday. 

So yesterday after lunch with Eileen, I went to city hall because I wanted to get something from peninsula shopping centre and on the way, I fell. Knees and hands on the floor, embarrassing. Then when I reached, fml the shop is not opened. Oh yeah, and my phone battery died. Then I walked all the way to raffles place to the arcade to change money. Then it started pouring and I was looking all over for an ATM machine. I was having doubts if I should change money yesterday or change plans and go today or Monday instead cause it seems like Yen depreciation just broke record and won started to depreciate after appreciating for quite a period of time since NK didnt attack, and seems like it will continue to (should have changed that time when won rate was damn good, big regret). Then I just went, in case later too late and fml, when I look at the exchange rate later on they just seem to keep depreciating, makes me sad. Haha, I sound like a pro in examining their trends now. 

Then I rushed home to put the money at home because my father didn't want to be walking around with it since I was meeting Carissa later. Then I rushed all the way to the hairdresser to get my fringe done cause I was supposed to reach at 5pm but I was late still. I'm back to bangs again now. Seriously contemplating to cut it short, but still thinking. 

Then after meeting Carissa, I went home and finally after so long. Being an itchy hand, I went to update my phone iOS which is 6? Now and my previous one was still at 4. Guess what happened, my whole phone just crashed and had to be restored to factory settings. I was so worried my stuff in the phone will be gone. Thank god, everything was backup  automatically before that. 谢天谢地! I like the new updates on my phone though, now I no need to ask people to help me press when I taking pictures and last time on phone blogger I cannot adjust where I want to put pictures (they will all appear at the bottom) but now I can means I can really blog more on the go now!

So yesterday was filled with relieve and happiness? of exam period finally ending, a bit of suay ness (trying to be positive here) and lots of drama. 

My whole body, like my back/shoulder and legs are aching now. Think from all the walking with a bag that was quite heavy (plus I always carry on one shoulder giving extra pressure). I was telling Carissa that yesterday and she was telling me I'm still young and shouldn't be aching. Haha, but I'm really aching and really don't feel young anymore. Also, really not young anymore, how long more can I actually wear my hoodies and my rabbit ears clothes (why?! Did I buy another one in Taiwan that time) without being judged?

Still have to pack my luggage later, do the messy Japan itinerary and book some of the things we need. I hope this trip will be good cause expensive ah! I have some worries, but hope everything go well. 

Going back to bed now, woke up with a runny nose and a bit of asthma. Took meds and thought I'll do something productive like blog while waiting for it to take effect. I can breathe well now. 

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