Friday 24 May 2013

Lost in Japan, again

I think I spend alot of time getting lost in Japan.

Since I extended my trip in Japan I needed to change more yen if not I'll become some broke shit, so I found this place at harajuku which is better rates (money exchange at Japan banks sucks to the max, I think it's alot alot alot worse than Singapore banks). 

So I reached harajuku at 3pm when I'm supposed to reach the place at 5pm. Woohoo I got lost for 2 hours wtf. I exited the wrong exit and followed google map directions. Don't know if I should blame myself or google map. I think for Japan address, purely entering the zip code is not enough.

So by 5 I was still lost and I have no usable phone. Wtf right. So I walked all the way back to harajuku station and called them using the public phone. Found out i used the wrong exit but the place they asked me to go to i actually walked past there to get back to use the payphone. 
While the person put me on hold still got time to take photo.

Then I arranged to meet the person somewhere and she came to pick me up. The place is really super ulu. 

Excitement of the day, after getting stranded at somewhere near mt Fuji on Wednesday. A story for another day. 

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