Wednesday 15 May 2013

Taiwan Day 6 - Taipei Zoo, Maokong Gondola & Miramar Ferries Wheel


The last full day in Taiwan. We were supposed to go pluck strawberries but since Muihong found that we can't bring fruits back to Singapore, we decided to abolish the plan. We still had rotten strawberries from puli in the hotel fridge.

So we started our day by going to Taipei zoo! The last time I went to zoo was in Korea which is close to 2 years ago.

Entrance fee into Taiwan zoo is damn cheap, only 60 twd.

Haha, while I was taking photos in zoo, Muihong said it was like butt collection day cause I was collecting butt pictures of all the animals. Haha, but I shall spare you all the butt photos. 
Most popular animal in the zoo.
The gorilla is so cute and acts like a human. The way he sleeps is really so human-like. Ever since I watched King Kong, I've always love gorilla.

After visiting other zoos, I realized Singapore's zoo is really expensive but Singapore zoo has performances which I find it rare since I found out other zoos (seoul and taipei zoos) don't have any animal performances.

After having lunch at Mac, we went to take the Maokong gondola which is within walking distance from the zoo.

They have the normal cabin and the crystal cabin. We had to queue for the crystal cabin but I think if you're okay with the normal cabin, you don't have to queue and maybe you'll even get one cabin to yourself? One crystal cabin can hold up to 5 people and we were sharing it with a taiwanes guy and his friend from vietnam?

It's damn cheap, only 50twd per way from the 1st station (Taipei Zoo station) to the last station (maokong station). They have 2 stations in between but I think people hardly alight unless you want to visit Zhinan Temple?

Our new 200twd shoes from Taiwan.

Alighted at Maokong station. Walked around and there's nothing much there. There's cafes and a 'foodcourt' there though.
The ride was exciting at the beginning but because it's quite long (can't remember exactly how long, maybe 20mins?), it started to get boring.
Went for the miramar ferris wheel after that at Jian nan road station.

Blur but precious picture. The last photo of my coat, I don't know where I dropped it after that.
Ticket Price for Ferris wheels: Weekdays: TWD150 (Adults), TWD120 (Discount Tickets)
Weekends: TWD200 (Adults), TWD150(Discount Tickets)

There's a Carousel there too and you get to ride it for 50twd for 2 person, which is 1-for-1. We didn't try it though. 
Like the gondola, this ferris wheel has glass cabin too. Likewise, you need to queue for this, I think there's only a few glass cabin ones, no queue for the normal cabin. While we were queuing, there were people taking their wedding photos at the Carousel. So sweet!

The ride is 12 mins according to the internet. I enjoyed this ride more. One is because they allowed us to have 1 group of friends/family to one cabin, so no strangers. More importantly, Muihong was freaking out on the ride so it provided entertainment for me. Haha okay, I'm mean.

After the ride, we went for N.Y Bagel nei hu station. Now I'm wondering why I chose to go to that outlet instead of the taipei main station one. Haha maybe we were worried we will die of hunger.

Muihong loves her breakfast set. I came to the conclusion I'm really not good at breakfast meals because before I can even finish 1 pancake I became quite sick of it already.

Anyway when we left, I realised oh crap, where's my coat. Went back in to find but it wasn't there. So that's how I lost my coat. :(

Almost coming to an end of the Taiwan trip. Left with the last day, where we only had time to go grab all the delicious food before leaving.
12/5 11:27pm
 For the rest of my taiwan post, click here.

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