Friday 4 May 2018


Today I was teaching about soft 'c' and 'g' to one of my student. So we can across the word Angel

Me: I am an angel.
N: When you die you will become an angel. But you cannot kill yourself, if you kill yourself you will go to the lava place (hell?)
Me: okay, I won't kill myself. When I become an angel I will have wings and halo.
N: yes, then you won't be tired anymore. You can just fly. Or when you legs are tired you fly then when you wings are tired you walk.



  1. Hi Xiuwen, I was looking through all your blogposts. I'm a psych student graduating next semester and my grades sucks. Like honestly sucks. I have no idea what I am doing and I don't have much of a goal in mind. Just curious, are you a teacher in school? I saw you mentioning about going studying in NIE? What subject do you teach?

    1. Currently working as an allied educator.
