Friday 20 November 2015


It's one week into my holidays now. I'm really enjoying rolling around in bed.

When my modules were ending, I was feeling abit sad because it means that I won't get to see some of the lecturers anymore, and next semester will be a very short semester. Haha, it's a conflicting feeling, because on one hand, I feel sad to see them go, but on the other hand, I can't wait for all the assignments to end and the holiday to come. I still have one more assignment to submit by 27th November and then I'll be free!

Wednesday went back to my pre-trainee school and it feels good to be back as a visitor, because everybody are working and I'm there as a visitor. But it is good to see all my ex-colleagues and some of my ex-students (not bad, they still can remember me). I think I am really attached to the team that I worked closely with, that is why when I left I cry until xi li hua la. I went back on a wednesday thinking that there will be prawn noodles, but horrors!!! No prawn noodles :'(, so I settled with gua tiao gan. Can't believe I actually spent 3.80 in the school canteen.

After that I went to cut and rebond my hair. Everytime I cut my hair, I think I will always regret. Rahh, now my hair is so short. So I have decided, in year 2016,  I will only trim my hair and not cut my hair. I kind of miss the long hair I had a few years ago, but recently I think I will cut a few inches off every year.

Like this length
 Haha, but karen was saying "shorter hair will look more lively and younger" then I told her “我走淑女路线!”

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