Monday 15 December 2014

Australia Sydney, Day 4 - Sea Life Sydney Aquarium + Bondi Beach

Day 4 will be a relaxing day.

Started the day bright and early with breakfast at Darling Harbour. 
Went to Pancake on the Rocks at Darling Harbour. We were the first customers of the day. 
Pancakes on the Rocks

Pancakes pancakes everywhere.
Hot Chocolate

As you can see, I gave up on my hair. Don't know how to tie it anymore. If only I can have nice, smooth and pretty hair naturally.
Yummylicious, but quite gelat. Didn't manage to finish both pancakes. 

The hashbrown is quite unique. Not the usual Macdonald's hashbrown.

After that we went to Sea Life Sydney Aquarium.
It feels like their schools have excursion everyday. We always see students having excursions. Their teachers are very nice, patiently asking them to look at this and that and explaining things to them even though the class was quite big.
Trying hard to get a picture with the shark.
Touch Pool
Usually I don't play with touch pools but since I'm on the way to growing old, touch touch touch before people start to judge.
I think their SEA aquarium is similar to our underwater world. Maybe bigger. Not sure about our SEA Aquarium because I have not been there yet.

After that went shopping at the nearby shopping malls. While walking back to the hotel we saw these beautiful water displays to take pictures with.
Jump Shot
Muihong was telling me how her jump shot looks like leviation shot and she asked me to try it out.
So I did! But FML, I didn't realised if the hands doesn't move, the body cannot coordinate.So I ended up dropping into the water. FML. I can totally remember I was like omg I cannot control my body and I already landed on the ground but fell forward into the water. Muihong said she was thinking wth am I leaning forward. So I went whole person into the water and knock my head and while in the water I was thinking if I was going to die like that but nope I struggled to get up. So I didn't die, just throw face only plus a blue black on my leg and one more on my head. My ears got blocked though and I thought I was going to become deaf but after getting the water out, I'm fine. But this shows the importance of travel insurance, you have no idea what will happen to you when you're overseas. 
The wet me
So walked back to the hotel freezing. By the time I reached the hotel I was kind of dry already.

After bathing and changing, we set off to Bondi beach. You cannot pay for bus by cash, you need to get the bus tickets from the convenience stores. We just need to tell their person where we were going and they would know which tickets to give us. Their bus tickets cost $3.70. Their transportation is really freaking expensive.
Soft sand

Still not scare of water. The weather was still quite chilly but people were running half naked around the beach and surfing.

We got another tourist to help us take photo and the weird thing is he started taking photos with his own camera. We were like we hope our photos don't end up on some dubious site on the internet. I think he is just a photographer enthuist though because he took photos of everything from humans to bags to scenery.

Went for dinner at Hurricane's Grill. You can make reservations online, the place is quite popular and crowded during dinner.
BBQ Chicken (Half) - $23

Was comtemplating between half chicken or full and luckily I took half because I could barely finished it, You know people my father always say thigh meat is the nicest and for the first time I really experienced it. The thigh meat was really nice compared to the other parts of the chicken.
Muihong's Half Pork Ribs - $38
The pork ribs there were mega huge wtf.

After dinner, we had to brave the cold to take the bus back to our hotel. 

For the rest of my Australia Sydney's post - click here 

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