Friday 5 September 2014


End of work! Last day of work!!!  Woohoo... 

I feel very heartless because I really don't have the I want to cry because I will miss the kids so much.  In the past,  even for camps I will emo,  as I grow older I become more heartless.  Haha,  I think also because I realize the children won't really miss you,  so I let go much easier. 
Yay!!! I'm flying off in 6 hours time. I was counting down to it when I still had 9 weeks to go and suddenly it is time to go. Time really flies! Let's hope this time will be a good chance for me to recharge and be refreshed after the holidays.  

See you,  Singapore! 

Ocbc sucks.  I tried activating my card for overseas use online but they kept saying it cannot be processed.  Then I tried calling but my call kept getting put in hold last night and this afternoon.  Boohoo. 

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