Sunday 20 July 2014


Weeks ago, one of the shelves on my cupboard collapsed and today, I finally got to changing cupboards. I spent the whole afternoon, more than 3 hours reorganizing my cupboard. Lol, I wanted to say packing but Muihong say it's not packing because I didn't really throw anything away. I'm really such a hoarder. Usually in school I will pack my room during the semester break which means I have a month or more to pack, now there is no such luxury.

Booked air ticket and hotel to Sydney yesterday! Something to look forward to! I hope the motivation and anticipation to go Sydney can keep me happy, motivated and sane in the next 7 weeks.

I will pack my room before I fly off to Sydney so it will be a whole new beginning for me.

I should update more serious post instead such of such short ramblings.

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