Friday 31 January 2014

Happy Horse Year!

It's the horse year! Time flies, it's our year again.

I should be making resolutions, but after years of making resolutions, I realised that I never fulfill them. Haha, especially my diet plan. So I shall save the time.

Roar, I have no clothes to wear for chu yi. Once again, I didn't specially go and buy any new clothes for CNY so I have been digging my wardrobe for the stack of new clothes that have not been worn before. I have been trying to find something to wear for like 1-2hrs just now but to no avail O.o. I have a bottom in mind that I want to wear but no top to match. Usually it's the other way round. Shall leave till when I wake up to worry, I'm guess I can figure out faster under time constraint?

Maybe I need to stock up more clothes next time. Lol.

This video is so funny. May our horse year be filled with joy and laughter. 

Thursday 23 January 2014

House of Steamboat

First time at House of Steamboat last friday. Their website is outdated because their website stated 17.90. It's still relatively cheaper than other steamboat places though.

I love their drumlets but it's very very very spicy. Mantous are okay, but I think the one at (I can't remember) xian de lai or tian tian is nicer because it's crispier. They have crab stick with kiap kiap. They also gave us crayfish, but only 1 and I didn't get to eat. Wasted. Miss the jb butter crayfish. Haha, not sure if it's refillable though. 
Order the pork belly and ma la soup base. Their ma la soup base is spicy but comparative to the past 2 steamboat restaurants I frequent usually, it's the least spicy. Pork belly soup base actually has a bit of sau? Taste to me. Their ma la soup is very weird, after they added more soup, it actually tasted sour.
We also had the BBQ, but we didn't really use it because it splatters. We only use it to cook 4 satays and 2 sotong. Not worth the 2 bucks. Their satays is nice but it's promotion so it cannot be refilled. :(

No pictures of food because I was too busy eating. Variety wise is not bad, except they don't have shou gong mian but they have potato noodles so that's fine. 

They have free flow drinks but only for syrup drinks and ice lemon tea. If you want canned drinks/coffee/tea then have to pay for it. 
So, they were suppose to have free flow ice cream but this is how their ice cream look like, a pile of diarrhea. The person said wait a few minutes, we waited like super long, definitely more than a few minutes, but still pile of shit. 

Sunday 12 January 2014

Dong Fang Hong Korean Chinese Restaurant & Cake Spade

Finally got the chance to go down to Dong Fang Hong Korean Chinese restaurant at Far East Square on Friday to try their 짜장면!

Met Muihong at Raffles place mrt before walking down. It's quite a long walk down and I have no idea how to walk there yet. The nearest mrt there would be the new Telok Ayer station, I think.
Their kimchi is really sour. Yay for yellow pickles?, seldom see them as side dish except in Korea. 
Jjajangmyeon - $12 ++
Jjajangmyeon is hard to find in Singapore and even if you find one, it may not taste like the ones in Korea. 

Looking at the picture, it looks really quite authentic doesn't it? Taste wise, yes! It taste quite close to the one from Korea, although I can't really remember the specific taste of those in Korea though. Still it is 맛있어요!

Muihong's Seafood Jjajangmyeon - $16 ++
I prefer the taste of the normal jjm because I don't really like the seafood taste. Taste a bit like chao da to me.

Because I couldn't decide if I should have jjm or spicy seafood noodle. I ordered a pig.
Spicy seafood noodle - $13++
Not really very spicy, the spicy taste was very mild. It actually taste a bit like those black hokkien mee at those Zhu char stall.

Surprise surprise, I managed to finish both, with help from Muihong. 

Price wise, it's quite expensive, but I'm comparing to korea prices so not accurate.
Taste wise, it's good, worth trying. There's quite a few Koreans eating there too, so you can judge from that that it's not bad. 

After dinner, it's time for dessert. Amazing how I can still stuff dessert down my stomach. 

Walked down to Orchid hotel in search for Cake Spade. It's quite a long walk down. Luckily we went down on a Friday, they close at 8pm on Mon - Thurs and at 10pm on Fri and Sat.
Cakes - 5.90 each
Their strawberry tofu cheesecake were already sold out when we were there at around 8 with 2 pieces of peach tofu cheesecake left.

There peach tofu cheesecake tastes very special. Less cheesy than normal cheesecake and feels bouncy. 

Their chocolate cake on the other hand is very chocolaty and can be quite gelat. 

Blueberry white tea - $3.50
Had a blueberry white tea to share. The taste of the tea is very mild so good for someone who doesn't really like tea.

Need to reduce my appetite. I actually ate both laksa and shui jiao mian for lunch today. :o 

Why does weekends pass so quickly, feeling stressful nowadays. 

Friday 3 January 2014

I'm such an irritating person :x

Went to the zoo and river safari.

The boat at river safari is damn ridiculous. We got the ticket for 3.30pm. We started queuing at 3.15pm and we only got up the boat at around 4.45pm. The boat ride was only a 10-15 mins lame ride. And their 1.06m limit is quite stupid cause the ride was nothing much. Queing so long for the ride was definitely not worth it. Avoid the ride when it was raining before your timing. 

Anyway, I wouldn't recommend going to both places especially if you have kid/s or elderly in a day. Too tiring, if you really have to choose, zoo is a better option. There's really nothing much at river safari, unless you really want to see pandas. And because we were kind of rushing to river safari, it didn't cross my mind to bring the kid to kidzworld to play water while we were in the zoo. It crossed my mind before that and I even brought extra clothing but because of the pressure I forgot until we were on the tram to the exit and we pass by the kidzworld then I remembered cause it was so colorful but we had to go take the bloody boat at river safari and the kid was already going to sleep. Crap. So hopefully in hk there's such water places for him, I'm just trying to make myself feel better. Rah, I think I feel so bad I might lose sleep tonight. Really feel so irritated by myself, I really should have just bought the zoo tickets when i was contemplating between river safari or zoo or both and not make everyone so tired. Could have explored zoo slightly longer till 3-4 and they could have gone back to hotel and rest. Cause actually it's quite a waste of money if you're rushing. 

So talking about the zoo, they changed their rainforest show!!! Wtf, I remembered it used to be damn good and there's this orang utAn that will smack the trainer's butt. Now it became more like a display of animals which I think I can see just walking through the zoo. Is like I still rushed them through lunch to go watch the show and when it ended, it was really like a slap on my cheek. And the zoo, bird park and night safari increased their prices, can you imagine my shock when one day before the price was 39 and the next day it's 47.50. I could have saved 70 bucks wtf, I mean save for my dad. 

I feel like I spoil their day because I made them so tired and didn't let them have ultimate fun.

I supposed to be very tired since I woke up at 5.30 but I'm so irritated by myself I think I can't sleep.

I realized actually Singapore has alot of places to go and 5 days is quite little but the entrance to all these tourist places really not cheap though.